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Secure Operating Systems Lesson E: Windows Security - Overview.

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1 Secure Operating Systems Lesson E: Windows Security - Overview

2 Where are we?  We’ve discovered SELinux is moderately cool  How does this compare to Windows? There’s a lot here, so we’ll just scratch the surface

3 Windows: History  So, Windows really does have a long history  DOS survived for a long time, until we moved on to the NT core  The current version of Windows 8 has finally started to move away from the backward compatibility that has dogged us

4 Bitlocker  Full hard drive encryption is actually pretty cool: Bitlocker  Can leverage the TPM, which is nice Can provide remote attestation for hardware and software Not only for disk encryption; has been used for DRM too Can use in combination with a USB token

5 TPM Structure  Picture from Guillaume Piolle

6 Windows Integrity Control  Although we don’t think about them, Windows uses MACLs (Mandatory Access Control Lists)  Thus, the OS can make a security decision based on how trusted an object is Let’s take a look with Process Explorer (from sysinternals)

7 SACLS and DACLS  SACLS beat DACLS System Access Control List Discretionary Access Control List  Thus, even if the DACL grants access, the SACL must also grant access for the operation to go through  This is all documented well by MS… us/library/windows/desktop/bb648648(v=vs.85).aspx us/library/windows/desktop/bb648648(v=vs.85).aspx  Enables things like SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_NO_READ_UP

8 Managing all of this

9 Of course, we need  Run As… administrator  icacls templow /setintegritylevel L for example  But of course, we never use this, except for using the defaults, which seems like a pity, eh? There’s a philosophical point here

10 UAC (Woohoo!)  Everyone seems to hate UAC, but it does help in terms of users making mistakes  It’s certainly not bulletproof (cue Shaun)  The idea is the principle of least privilege  The problem is that we don’t read the popups very well  The basic idea: run with lower privileges, and then upgrade as you need it

11 Service Resource Isolation  What happens when a service gets broken in to?  Let’s look  sc query type= service | more  sc showsid AdobeActiveFileMonitor9.0  psgetsid  Can create a *restricted* SID Two checks: one on the enabled token, one on the restricted SID

12 Service Refactoring  Basically, run services with base least privilege  New service hosts (low to high): LocalServiceNoNetwork LocalServiceRestricted LocalServiceNetworkRestricted NetworkServiceRestricted NetworkServiceNetworkRestricted LocalSystemNetworkRestricted

13 Restricted Network Access  Network restriction policies can be applied to services too  Direction: ingress and egress  Protocol: what protocols should be allowed?  Principal: Rules apply to specific users  Interface: WLAN, Wireless, LAN etc.

14 Buffer Overflows  Let’s remind ourselves how buffer overflows work  The compiler now adds Cookies… let’s look at the code

15 Questions & Comments  What do you want to know?

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