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Results-based Financing Workshop Evaluation Results Kigali Rwanda 24-27 June, 2008.

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1 Results-based Financing Workshop Evaluation Results Kigali Rwanda 24-27 June, 2008

2 Summary of Results 34 participants responded to the survey Out of maximum score of 5: 85% of participants rated the workshop a 4 or 5 with respect to "overall usefulness 85% of participants rated the workshop a 4 or 5 on the following items: overall usefulness, usefulness of information, the extent to which it focused on learning needs, and the extent to which it matched its objectives 75% of participants rated the workshop a 4 or a 5 with respect to the "acquisition of new information"

3 Ratings by participants in this activity Percentage of participants giving a 4 or 5 rating

4 Relevance of this activity to your current work or functions Mean 4.74

5 Focus of this activity on what you specifically needed to learn Mean 4.25

6 Extent to which you have acquired information that is new to you Mean 3.85

7 Extent to which the content of this activity matched the announced objectives Mean 4.26

8 Overall usefulness of this activity Mean 4.32

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