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 The topic I wish to research is the use of automated medication dispensing systems, such as the McKesson ROBOT-Rx, within healthcare settings. These.

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Presentation on theme: " The topic I wish to research is the use of automated medication dispensing systems, such as the McKesson ROBOT-Rx, within healthcare settings. These."— Presentation transcript:

1  The topic I wish to research is the use of automated medication dispensing systems, such as the McKesson ROBOT-Rx, within healthcare settings. These automated systems utilize bar code technology to effectively store and dispense medication in patient-labeled envelopes for delivery. The ultimate goal of these systems is for safe medication management. In addition to researching more in depth how the system works, I wish to research as well how these dispensing systems have actually affected hospitals where they have been implemented, such as if they have affected safety and/or efficiency. I also hope to find evidence on the reactions and opinions of those healthcare workers and hospitals using the system. In general I would like to assess if this technology is worth placing into healthcare facilities.

2  Store, dispense every form of medication using barcode technology ◦ Receives order, ‘eye’ scans barcode, robotic arm retrieves med  Each dose packaged, labeled with standardized barcode containing drug code and expiration date  Project will attempt to assess (I) potential benefits; (II) current evidence whether supportive or contradictory Ex: The McKesson ROBOT-Rx

3  (1) Increase safety ◦ Standardized barcode system ◦ Decreases med errors ◦ Additional safeguard: pharmacist checks 10% dispensed meds  (2) Increase efficiency/productivity ◦ Automate manual tasks  Leads to increased patient care time  (3) Increase inventory control ◦ Decreases inventory costs ◦ Eliminates stock outages Barcode packaging from ROBOT-Rx

4  Nash General Hospital (Rocky Mount, NC) ◦ Pharmacy utilizes McKesson ROBOT-Rx, named MACK ◦ Reduced pharmacy checking labor by 90% ◦ Lowered expired medication costs by 54% ◦ No elimination of jobs, employees may focus in other areas  Evergreen Hospital Medical Center (Kirkland, WA) ◦ Uses McKesson ROBOT-Rx ◦ Cart fill labor decreased 72% ◦ $2 million in annual savings ◦ Aided narcotics management ◦ Decreased crediting labor 50% Sources: -pharmacy-benefit-from-robotrx-medication- dispensing-solution articleview/articleid/136 rxAutomatedMedicationDispensingSystemVideo Overview- Mckesson m/drug-topics/news/clinical/hospitalhealth- system-pharmacy/automated-dispensing- robots-tapped-improve- ?id=&sk=&date=&pageID=2

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