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Frequently Asked Questions about Strikes and Job Security If the union gets in here I can’t ever lose my job because the union will get it back for me.

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Presentation on theme: "Frequently Asked Questions about Strikes and Job Security If the union gets in here I can’t ever lose my job because the union will get it back for me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frequently Asked Questions about Strikes and Job Security If the union gets in here I can’t ever lose my job because the union will get it back for me. Isn’t that right? Answer: Wrong. A union can not get your job back if it is agreed that you were terminated fairly for breaking the law or company policy, or because you could not meet standards set for your job. Know that the employer will also retain the right to lay off and reassign employees. A union may try to help if you were terminated by mistake or without “just cause” but only for as long as the union is willing to fight your case. (You have given up the right to fight on your own.) And you will be relying upon a union rep who may or may not represent you well, and you cannot replace the rep if your are dissatisfied. Can I get fired for going out on strike? Answer: No. But you can be “permanently replaced” if you go out on strike over economic issues like pay and benefits. This means that you are placed on a “preferential rehire” list and can only return to your job when a replacement worker leaves and you are at the top of the rehire list (this could be months or years after the strike). Can’t I just refuse to go out on strike? Answer: Yes. However, most unions do have rules that allow them to fine a member for crossing the picket line, often for the amount of money earned during the strike. Sadly, it often takes a long time to heal the divisions and hard feelings created by a strike between those who went out on strike and those who didn’t support the strike or couldn’t afford it. My friend says he doesn’t want to be an “at will” employee anymore. Is it true that unless we have a union we can be fired at any time for any reason? Answer: NO. With or without a union, your employer must follow federal and state laws on discrimination, workers rights and other protections you have under the law. Without a union, most employers have an internal process to make sure all employees are treated fairly. Employees are also free to obtain outside help if they feel their rights have been violated. With a union all workers must rely on whatever grievance process is negotiated into the contract and they are not free to challenge a company decision on their own. And if the union makes a mistake in the grievance process, the worker still pays for it with a disciplinary action they may not deserve that they cannot challenge on their own. Even if you can prove the union made a mistake you still are stuck – unions are only required to try, not to win. I want a union grievance procedure. I want to be able to file a grievance when I don’t like how the company does things. Isn’t the company just afraid of grievances? Answer: No. The union grievance procedure only applies to what is written into the union contract. A grievance can’t be filed against a change in company policy unless it violates the union contract. A grievance can’t tell the company how to conduct business including the assignments of managers and supervisors.

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