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JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 1 Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 1 Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 1 Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System ideas for review, discussion, and initial direction and/or decisions by Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Advisory Committee June 10, 2009

2 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 2 Purpose Improve outcomes for young children and reduce Californias school readiness gap by improving the quality of our early learning and care programs. 2

3 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 3 Californias EL QIS – Tasks: Assessment and analysis of existing ECE infrastructure Development of early learning quality rating scale for birth to five programs Development of a funding model aligned with the quality rating scale Make recommendations on local, state, federal, and private resources 3 Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. -Helen Keller

4 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 4 CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System (CAEL QIS) Advisory Committee Discuss and agree to move forward with: Systems Goals, Scope, and Principles Framework for the Systems Scale Framework for the Systems four Elements needed for high quality early learning: Workforce Development Engagement of Families, Programs, Public Data for Program Improvement and Research Finance and Incentives 4

5 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 5 Model for CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System Early Learning Quality Rating Scale Element: Engagement of Families, Programs, Public Element: Data for Program Improvement and Research Element: Workforce Development Element: Finance and Incentives

6 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 6 Model for CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System Discuss and agree to move forward with Systems: –Goals –Scope –Principles

7 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 7 Which of the following are Goals for Californias EL QIS? Increase the overall quality of early learning programs for all children Strengthen connections between quality programs and childrens outcomes Recognize the quality in current early learning programs Support cultural and linguistic diversity Increase consumer awareness of quality early learning programs

8 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 8 Systems Goals? … continued Increase access to higher quality early learning programs starting with children who need it most Improve training and compensation for early learning workforce Reward quality inside and outside the subsidy system Improve the licensing system Focus on continuous quality improvement

9 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 9 Systems Goals? … continued Improve accountability for public investments Align funding with quality levels Establish a consistent approach to quality assurance and program improvement across all early learning programs and funding streams Other?

10 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 10 What is the Scope for EL QIS? What programs are included? Licensed center-based care/preschools State and federally funded Public/Private Non-Profit and For-Profit Licensed family child care homes What programs are not included? Unlicensed family, friend, neighbor care; and range of quality improvement supports are available For what ages?

11 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 11 Systems Scope? … continued Required or Voluntary? What is the timeline for implementation of requirements? Will a pilot, voluntary, or phased-in approach be provided? Will recommendations provide direction for legislative and/or regulatory implementation?

12 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 12 What are the Principles of the CAEL QIS ? All children deserve access to high quality early learning. CAEL QIS is designed to support systemic efforts to improve quality. Sufficient incentives are provided to encourage and support higher quality. CAEL QIS will be statewide and include …

13 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 13 Systems Principles? … continued CAEL QIS will be responsive to the cultural and linguistic diversity of Californias children and practitioners. CAEL QIS will be fully inclusive. Public awareness and investments are vital. CAEL QIS will build on research, data, evidence-based projects, and existing infrastructure. Other?

14 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 14 Model for CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System Discuss and agree to move forward with Framework for the Systems Scale

15 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 15 How Quality is Defined in Research Structure 1.Group size 2.Staff ratio Staff 1.Qualifications 2.Characteristics Program Dynamics 1.Curriculum 2.Teacher-Child interactions 3.Parent engagement

16 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 16 Model for Californias Early Learning Quality Rating Scale Child Outcomes result from: Program Process Quality + Program Structural Quality 16

17 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 17 Measures for Californias Early Learning Quality Rating Scale Child OutcomesProgram Process Quality Program Structural Quality Child development and learning in all domains: social-emotional language- early literacy approaches to learning physical development cognition K-entry readiness and success in school Child-Teacher interactions Teaching-Learning practices Family engagement Cultural-Language appropriateness Curriculum aligned with Foundations and Child Assessment Early identification of health and learning issues and appropriate intervention Title 22 licensing Class size and child to staff ratios Professional development level of teaching and administrative staff Learning and care environment Nutritious meals and snacks; healthy physical activity Inclusion of children with special needs Program evaluation Administrative policies and procedures

18 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 18 Two Types of Quality Rating Scales Tiers or Stars or Steps based on: 1.Points assigned to criteria in each category so total points across all categories determines the level or 2.Building blocks with standards set for criteria and increase at each level Determine preference and directions to Subcommittee for extensive analysis and discussion. Report to Advisory Committee.

19 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 19 Example of Quality Blocks 1 = Licensed 2 = Licensed + Regulatory Compliance 3 = Licensed + Regulatory Compliance + ERS 4 + and One of Qualified Director; Teacher Qual. 1; Accreditation 4 = Licensed + Regulatory Compliance + ERS 5 + and Two of Qualified Director; Teacher Qual. 1; Accreditation 5 = Licensed + Regulatory Compliance + ERS 5 + and All Three of Qualified Director; Teacher Qual. 2; Accreditation

20 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 20 Example of Quality Points PointsCategoryRequirements 1Regulatory Compliance Defined threshold for substantial compliance with licensing rules. 1Qualified Director Director has Administrators Credential, AS in ECE, BA, or BS 1Teacher Qualification s 1:20 ratio of teacher with AS in ECE; BA or BS; Credential 1AccreditationNAEYC accreditation or equivalent 1Professional Practices At least 3 of 5-10 criteria such as: Participates in Food Program Parent Engagement Salary scale increments based on education

21 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 21 Quality Assessment and Monitoring? How will each quality category be assessed? What can be done through self, peer, and external assessments? Who will do the external assessment and monitoring? How often will assessment and monitoring be performed?

22 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 22 Tools for Californias Early Learning Quality Rating Scale Child OutcomesProgram Process Quality Program Structural Quality Tools: Desired Results Developmental Profile- R2 and Access K-Readiness Measures across all 5 domains Academic achievement in 2 nd and 3 rd grades Tools: Teaching-Learning Assessments (Classroom Assessment Scoring System – CLASS) Equivalent tool for Infant-Toddler Programs Tools: Environment Assessments (ECERS – ITERS – FCCERS) NIEER Quality List Strategies: Annual Program Evaluation and On- going Research Strategies: External Assessment every 2-5 years Strategies: Licensing Bi-Annual Annual Self-assessment and plan

23 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 23 Model for CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System Discuss and agree to move forward with Framework for the Systems four Elements

24 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 24 Model for CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System Early Learning Quality Rating Scale Element: Engagement of Families, Programs, Public Element: Data for Program Improvement and Research Element: Workforce Development Element: Finance and Incentives

25 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 25 Model for Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Element: Workforce Development 25

26 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 26 Workforce Development Professional Development pathways and integrated systems Technical Assistance Financial Incentives Information and Outreach for Practitioners at all levels Determine preferences and directions to Subcommittee for extensive analysis and discussion. Report to Advisory Committee.

27 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 27 Model for Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Element: Engagement of Families, Programs, and the Public 27

28 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 28 Engagement Families: Clear, accessible information for print, media, web Programs: Materials distribution, Web sites, Orientation sessions for programs and agencies, Outreach staff Public: Information campaign with targets for business, government, schools, taxpayers Determine preferences and directions to Subcommittee for extensive analysis and discussion. Report to Advisory Committee.

29 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 29 Model for Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Element: Finance and Incentives

30 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 30 Finance and Incentives Investments needed for administration and accountability Investments needed for systems of workforce development, data, and engagement Analysis of current resources and funding streams at federal, state, and local levels – public and private Analysis of new federal policy directions and resources Determine preferences and directions to Subcommittee for extensive analysis and discussion. Report to Advisory Committee.

31 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 31 Model for Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Element: Data for Program Improvement and Research

32 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 32 Data for Program Improvement and Research Analysis of data currently collected across programs and funding streams Review of data systems and evaluation processes across programs and funding streams Identify gaps and effective strategies to address tool and system development; plus research needs Determine preferences and directions to Subcommittee for extensive analysis and discussion. Report to Advisory Committee.

33 JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on 6-10-09 33 To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France Review and update CAEL QIS Advisory Committees scope of work

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