National Center on Child Care Quality Improvement Supporting the Cost of QRIS Administration QRIS Financing Learning Table Session Two July 26, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "National Center on Child Care Quality Improvement Supporting the Cost of QRIS Administration QRIS Financing Learning Table Session Two July 26, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Center on Child Care Quality Improvement Supporting the Cost of QRIS Administration QRIS Financing Learning Table Session Two July 26, 2012

2 QRIS Finance Administrative Costs: monitoring & assessment, TA & PD systems, data collection, evaluation Provider (service delivery) Operating Costs: will be discussed next session

3 What does it cost to administer a QRIS? It Depends…. Remember that administrative decisions -- standards, evidence, automation, scope of TA, uptake -- affect cost. So simplifying standards, streamlining evidence, automating administration, targeting TA are all – in some respects – financing strategies.

4 Components of QRIS Administration Assigning Ratings/Monitoring Compliance Classroom Assessment Technical Assistance/Coaching Professional Development Data & Evaluation Outreach and Engagement

5 Supporting QRIS Administration: Planning Worksheet Supporting QRIS Administration: a Planning Worksheet QRIS ElementCurrent FundingPotential Funding Opportunities for Alignment & Leverage Potential Collaborator (or cost-sharing) Considerations & Questions Ratings and Monitoring CCDF, TANF (state staff) State General Fund, Education $, WHAT ELSE? Create streamlined pathway for HS & Accredited List entities that currently monitor ECE quality, 1) X walk standards, policies, procedures, forms, etc--how to streamline? 2) Explore automation Classroom Assessment CCDF, TANF (contract with University) State General Fund, State & Local Education $, Private Sector $ Use assessments conducted by others for QRIS compliance Who currently uses any form of classroom assessment in their work? Are multiple assessment tools OK? Are classroom assessments limited to higher stars? TA/Coaching CCDF, TANF (contracts with non-profits) State General Fund, State/Local Ed $, workforce development $, Private Sector $ Link TA/Coaching provided by others & Infant/Toddler supports to QRIS List entities currently engaged in TA/coaching + those that might be engaged in future Accept multiple TA/coaching approaches? Targeted coaching/TA? Prof Dev CCDF, TANF, PELL, BEOG (scholarships admin by Comm Colleges) Federal/state ed tax credits, workforce dev $, State General Fund, Private $ QRIS performance is needs assessment for PD system; PD content aligned to QRIS Identify eniites engaged in PD for all ECE sectors How should PD be linked to coaching/curricula? How should PD be linked to degrees? Data & Evaluation CCDF (state system)Philanthropy Reporting QRIS-related data becomes a funding requirement Links to Registry; import data from licensing; link to state longitudinal data system for Ed Can QRIS system data inform decision-making for a range of efforts? What does provider movement among QRIS levels tell us? Outreach and Engagement CCDF (contract wit private sector PR firm + CCR&Rs)Private Sector All existing outreach & engagement efforts include QRIS information Identify key messengers & stakeholders How can linked policy/access incentivize engagement ?


7 Generating New Funding for QRIS Administration Innovative Approaches: New York Louisiana Re-Alignment: Revising Performance Measures Restructuring RFPs and RFAs

8 Explore Trade-Offs Among Components Cost Summary: Options for Scaling Quality Counts (in millions) Prof DevTechnical Assist Financial Incent Assess, Monitor Admin EvaluationDataPublic Aware Facility Fund Shared Services on-line Total Option 1 (QC as is. For all) 3.7038.98313.7143.919.334.200.100 $30.953 Option 1 (QC as is, targeted) 1.5183.0324.7122. $11.695 Option 2 (Team recommend) 3.0672.8935.9213.473.193.194.1001.000.024 $16.865 Option 3 (Cost- Neutral) 2.1021.0193.0993.473.134.198.1001.000.024$11.148

9 Thank You NCCCQI does not endorse any non-Federal organization, publication, or resource. Follow-up Contacts: National Center on Child Care Quality Improvement

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