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Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. –Move the mouse to the bottom of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. –Move the mouse to the bottom of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Running the JEOPARDY! Slide Show On the game board with the categories on top, click on the desired dollar value. –Move the mouse to the bottom of the screen to return to the game board. –When you have a daily double, you must click on Daily Double logo to go to the question screen. –At the beginning when introducing the categories, simply hit enter or click the mouse or next slide to scroll through the categories. –If you dont remember the answers, I recommend having another computer with a board with answers on the screen or a piece of paper duplicating the board with answers in the boxes. On the show, the answers to do not appear on the screen.

3 Participation in the American Political Process

4 Unconventional Participation

5 Political Participation

6 Early Political Parties

7 The Electoral College

8 The Electorate and Democracy

9 Critical or Realigning Elections

10 Unconventional Participation Political Participation Early Political Parties Electoral College Candidates and Parties Today Realigning Elections $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 1000$1000

11 h $ 200 Unconventional Participation Unconventional participation that involves assembling crowds to confront businesses and local government.

12 The ability to understand government and the sense that you can make a difference and that the government will respond. h $ 400 Unconventional Participation

13 h $ 600 Unconventional Participation The feeling of being part of a larger movement with objectives and with a feeling that someday you will reach your goals.

14 h $ 800 Unconventional Participation Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner, were three civil rights workers murdered in 1964 during a movement that was called this.

15 h $ 1000 Unconventional Participation Groups that have been denied normal government access and are mistrusting of government, are likely to turn to this type of participation.

16 The actions of private citizens who are seeking to influence or support government and politics. h $ 200 Political Participation

17 Saluting the flag is an example of this form of political behavior. h $ 400 Political Participation

18 America ranks at the bottom, when compared to most industrialized nations, in this form of political participation. h $ 600 Political Participation

19 Influencing behavior includes an individual seeking particularized benefits or folks seeking this. h $800 Political Participation

20 h $ 1000 Political Participation The Boston Tea Party (1773) is an example of this type of political participation.

21 h $ 200 Early Political Parties This party, formed by Thomas Jefferson, was created to unseat those no- good Federalists.

22 h $ 400 Early Political Parties He was George Washingtons Secretary of the Treasury and was one of the strongest proponents of a strong central government.

23 He was President during the Era of Good Feeling. h $ 600 Early Political Parties

24 The President of the common man, he was the first man to become President who was born west of the Appalachian mountains. h $ 800 Early Political Parties

25 This minor party held the first presidential nominating convention. h $ 1000 Early Political Parties

26 h $ 200 The Electoral College This vote is required to win the Presidency of the United States.

27 h $ 400 The Electoral College The number of electoral votes held by the great state of Ohio.

28 One of two elections in which the House of Representatives picked the President of the United States. h $ 600 The Electoral College

29 h $ 800 The Electoral College The month in which electors gather to cast their vote for president.

30 The total number of electoral votes in the electoral college. h $ 1000 The Electoral College

31 h $ 200 The Electorate and Democracy In the past several decades, this region has become increasingly less-attached to the Democratic Party.

32 h $ 400 The Electorate and Democracy An exception to the Black Codes, preventing Blacks from voting after the passage of the 15 th Amendment, this allowed those who had voted before the Civil War to continue voting.

33 h $ 600 The Electorate and Democracy A process whereby an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject (by ballot) a particular proposal.

34 h $ 800 The Electorate and Democracy An effort by a specified number of voters to propose (by petition) a law and secure its submission to the electorate for approval.

35 h $ 1000 The Electorate and Democracy Parochial participation, such as local citizens gathering to protest the building of a strip mall in their neighborhood.

36 h $ 200 Realigning Elections This type of voting leads to divided government.

37 h $ 400 Realigning Elections In the self-proclaimed Revolution of 1800, this red- headed Virginian became president of these United States.

38 h $ 600 Realigning Elections An example of a bolter or factional party, this minor party may have cost the Republicans the 1912 election.

39 h $ 800 Realigning Elections This was the first political party to die out, beginning the Era of Good Feelings.

40 h $ 1000 Realigning Elections Beginning with this election, the Democratic Party would dominate the Presidency and the Congress until IKE came home from Europe.


42 Presidential Elections

43 With the decision in this case, the SCOTUS cleared the way for George W. Bush to become President of the United States.




47 JEOPARDY! Slide Show Notes The font for the question slides is Enchanted; (This font will need to be installed in the C:/WINDOWS/FONTS folder of the computer running the show.) –1. Go to Edit and Replace… –2. In the Find box, type CATEGORY 1 (all caps, or whatever category is listed) –3. In the Replace box, type the new category in all caps (for example, PRESIDENTS) –4. Click Replace All... To use the Daily Double: –1. Choose which dollar values to set as Daily Double CURRENTLY SET AT FOURTH CATEGORY FOR $1000 –2. Link that dollar value to one of the Daily Double slides –3. Link the logo of the Daily Double to the question

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