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Professor: Helena Pereira de Melo Student: Manuela Maria Brito April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor: Helena Pereira de Melo Student: Manuela Maria Brito April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor: Helena Pereira de Melo Student: Manuela Maria Brito April 2014

2  Clone: Klôn (twig)  Human Cloning:  Therapeutic Cloning  Reproductive Cloning  Embryo splitting  Nuclear transfer


4  Mithology  Religion  Science  Increase of life expectancy  Progress in medicine and pharmaceutical sciences  Planned parenthood  Medically assisted reproductive technologies

5  Society  Women’s emancipation  Legal abortion  Divorce  Adoption  Same sex marriage  Family Paradigm

6  Is humanity really progressing?  Extreme social inequality  Discrimination  Colonialist spirit  Eugenic ambitions

7  Are societies as developed as science? Are we ready to fabricate ourselves?  What’s the role of Law?

8  Infertility cases  To save someone’s life (leukaemia)  Negative eugenics  Same sex couples

9  Diminish the sense of uniqueness  Division among people (discrimination, slavery, “Girl Babies Group”)  “Racism starts when we say ‘they’re all the same’. For a racist the individual is just a carrier of a pre-belonging.” (Marc Augé)  Positive eugenics  Only affordable to some people  Transformation in family structure  The burden to follow someone else’s path

10  “It is wiser not to adventure in the cloning techniques, given to the imperfection of those… who are not clones.”(Roger-Pol Droit)  “Shouldn’t we educate people instead?” (Scientists pro cloning)

11  The principle of human dignity  The principle of non instrumentalization of human beings  Kant’s formula: “So act that you use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means.”

12  “According to which criteria should we decide? Who will decide, the doctors, the technicians, the society, the parents? Who will be born and according to which criteria?” (Nadine Fresco)

13  30 countries banned human cloning  15 countries banned reproductive human clonning  13 North american states ban reproductive cloning and 3 states prohibit use of public funds for cloning research  UN  EU  JAPAN CASE

14  1.1 A child is diagnosed with leukaemia and there is no “matching” donor. He needs someone with the same genetic material. There is the possibility of cloning him and therefore saving him. His parents are looking forward raising another child.  1.2 A child is diagnosed with leukaemia and his parents decide to conceive a child in order to save him. Does this respect the principle of non instrumentalization?

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