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New Unit—Page 45 of Notebook

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1 New Unit—Page 45 of Notebook
Cut and glue the title of the unit apart from the rest of the terms. Glue only the thin bar on the left side. Cut along the horizontal lines to create flaps. You will write the definition of each term underneath the flaps.

2 Similes and Metaphors Brain Pop Video

3 Simile A simile is a comparison between two things using “like” or “as.”

4 Examples Example #1: My brother is like a monkey in a tree.
Example #2: Chris popped out of his seat like a piece of toast. Example #3: The breeze is as gentle as a lamb.

5 What do they have in common?
Think about the deeper, figurative meaning. My brother is like a monkey in a tree. They are both…

6 What do they have in common?
Think about the deeper, figurative meaning. Chris popped out of his seat like a piece of toast. They are both…

7 What do they have in common?
Think about the deeper, figurative meaning. The breeze is as gentle as a lamb. They are both…

8 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a simile?
The star was like a diamond in the sky.

9 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a simile?
They like ice cream more than candy.

10 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a simile?
He was as free as a bird.

11 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a simile?
Tina is as sly as a fox.

12 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a simile?
As he turned the corner, he saw his kindergarten crush.

13 Independent Practice Circle the 2 objects being compared.
Then complete the simile in each sentence.

14 Similes in Real Life Link to Video

15 Analyzing Similes What does “analyze” mean?
Draw the nouns being compared. Then decide what the two nouns have in common. They are both…

16 Metaphor A metaphor is a comparison between two things that does not use “like” or “as.”

17 Examples Example #1: Words are weapons.
Example #2: The stars were spotlights on the pool. Example #3: My sister is a lion on the prowl.

18 What do they have in common?
Think about the deeper, figurative meaning. Words are weapons. They are both…

19 What do they have in common?
Think about the deeper, figurative meaning. The stars were spotlights on the pool. They are both…

20 What do they have in common?
Think about the deeper, figurative meaning. My sister is a lion on the prowl. They are both…

21 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a metaphor?
Her home was a prison.

22 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a metaphor?
Jesse is a real pig when he eats.

23 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a metaphor?
My father is like a rock.

24 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a metaphor?
You are my sunshine.

25 Thumbs up or down: Is this sentence a metaphor?
He is funny like my brother.

26 Independent Practice Circle the two objects being compared.
Then complete the metaphor in each sentence.

27 Metaphors in Real Life Link to Video

28 Analyzing Metaphors What does “analyze” mean?
Draw the nouns being compared. Then decide what the two nouns have in common. They are both…

29 White Board Quick Check

30 Think About It Simile Metaphor How are similes and metaphors the same?
In what ways are similes different from metaphors?

31 He was as brave as a lion in a fight.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER He was as brave as a lion in a fight.

32 Life is a scary roller coaster.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER Life is a scary roller coaster.

33 He swam like a fish through rough waters.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER He swam like a fish through rough waters.

34 What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER Bobby wondered if he passed the test as he walked out of the classroom.

35 Your mind is a machine as you think through this problem.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER Your mind is a machine as you think through this problem.

36 School is supposed to be safe, so report bullying to your teachers.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER School is supposed to be safe, so report bullying to your teachers.

37 Becca is like a clown because she is always telling jokes.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER Becca is like a clown because she is always telling jokes.

38 My boyfriend is a knight in shining armor.
What is it? SIMILE METAPHOR NEITHER My boyfriend is a knight in shining armor.

39 Create your own SIMILE! Remember a simile is a comparison that uses like or as between the two nouns that have something in common.

40 Create your own METAPHOR!
Remember a metaphor is a comparison between the two nouns that have something in common. It doesn’t use like or as.

41 Classwork Grade You can use your Readers Notebook to help you complete the 20 questions. If the sentence is a simile or a metaphor, circle the objects being compared. Beware—there are a few sentences that are not figurative language. Be sure your name is on the paper. Turn in the sheet to your class shelf. Finally, take an I Am poem sheet and get started!

42 I Am… Mrs. Kassander! As quick as a rocket racing into space,
Nice like a warm summer breeze, As sweet as raspberries, Fiery like the sun, As gentle as a kitten, Brave like a kid standing up to a bully, As loud as a bullhorn, As stubborn as a mule, Quiet like a mouse. Put it all together and you’ve got Mrs. Kassander! Write your own poem!

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