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What is the greenhouse effect?. AGENDA: 1.Finish PSQ: Greenhouse Effect 2.Notes 4-2: What shapes an Ecosystem? 3.Using Predators to Manage Population.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the greenhouse effect?. AGENDA: 1.Finish PSQ: Greenhouse Effect 2.Notes 4-2: What shapes an Ecosystem? 3.Using Predators to Manage Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the greenhouse effect?

2 AGENDA: 1.Finish PSQ: Greenhouse Effect 2.Notes 4-2: What shapes an Ecosystem? 3.Using Predators to Manage Population HW: 1.Science Investigation Brainstorm (due Friday) 2.Study for quiz on chapter 3


4 Biotic factors : the living factors. Abiotic factors : physical, or nonliving, factors. Pair Share: Identify biotic factors and abiotic factors in the classroom.

5 IDENTIFY and Write Down 1)Abiotic Factors (3) 2)Biotic Factors (3) 3)Create one Food Chain

6 The area where an organism lives is called its habitat. A niche is the full range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives and the way in which the organism uses those conditions.

7 When organisms live together in ecological communities, they interact constantly. Community interactions, such as competition, predation, and various forms of symbiosis, can affect an ecosystem.

8 Competition = when organisms attempt to use resources (water, nutrients, light, food, space) in the same place at the same time.

9 Predation = interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism is called. predator= the killer prey= the organism that gets eaten

10 Any relationship in which two species live closely together is called symbiosis. Symbiotic relationships include:  mutualism  commensalism  parasitism

11 Mutualism: both species benefit from the relationship. ( +, +) Commensalism: one member of the association benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed. (+, 0) Parasitism: one organism lives on or inside another organism and harms it. (+, -)

12 Talk in your groups and come up with and write down examples for the 5 interactions: 1) Competition 2) Predation 3) Mutualism 4) Commensalism 5) Parastism

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