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Discuss with your partner about the pictures you have only 5 minutes. 01. Whwt can you see in picture 1 ? 02. Whwt can you see in picture 2 ? Answer:-

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5 Discuss with your partner about the pictures you have only 5 minutes. 01. Whwt can you see in picture 1 ? 02. Whwt can you see in picture 2 ? Answer:- Nekledge Answer:-ear ring 03. Whwt can you see in picture 3 ? Answer:-Ring




9 Vocab’s chart

10 vide o



13 1 1. Do you think ‘pearls’ were discovered by accident ? Why ? 2. Why do you think pearls were valued so much in the past ? 3. What good luck the knight thought the pearls would bring them ?

14 WhoWhen/where The ancient Egyptiansworepearls The Greeks The ancient Romans The brave Knights Secsion “c” Very sincerely. Regarding a sing of wealth and social position in love and marriage. Considering the greatest sing wealth social status. In battles for good luck NEXT


16 Good bye


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