1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Role in NSLS-II Operations Marty Fallier Conventional Facilities Advisory Committee Review October 5-6, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Role in NSLS-II Operations Marty Fallier Conventional Facilities Advisory Committee Review October 5-6, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CF Role in NSLS-II Operations Marty Fallier Conventional Facilities Advisory Committee Review October 5-6, 2009

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Photon Science Directorate Interim Operations During Construction Operations After Start of Science Program Related NSLS-II/Photon Science Facility Requirements

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Photon Science Directorate Established October 1 to enable planning for transition to operations and integration of workforce to adapt to project and operational needs Conventional facilities is now Facilities Division For now, no change in CF/facilities organization but… Need to determine what changes to Facilities organization are needed to support evolving NSLS-II and Photon Sciences Directorate requirements NSLS-II transition to operations – interim operations during const. NSLS-II operations – after construction & start of science program Other Photon Science Facility Requirements

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 18 17 Currently no change from design & construction focused CF Organization Developing model to support future operational requirements

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Interim Operations Operational requirements start February 2011 Requirements increase with each successive beneficial occupancy Must be coordinated with ASD & XFD equipment operations Provides good initial training for program operations Phase Milestone Baseline 1 Pentant 1- BO 1-Feb-11 2 Pentant 5 - BO 9-Feb-12 3 RF Building - BO 23-Mar-11 4 Pentant 2 - BO 2-Jun-11 5 Pentant 3 - BO 27-Sep-11 6 Injection Building - BO 18-May-11 7 Pentant 4 - BO 28-Nov-11 8 Ring Bldg Const. Complete 30-Apr-12

6 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Interim Operations Planning CF prerequisites to support interim operations Implement effective QA program during construction of facilities Document proper commissioning of systems Maintain configuration control and accurate as-built documents Assure all O&M documentation is received and accurate Integrate O&M staff in start-up, commissioning & training Assign clear responsibilities for maintenance and operation of systems and equipment and verify maintenance is being performed Jointly establish the operating profile and performance parameters for interim operations with ASD & XFD CF Systems O&M responsibilities list established L ists all CF installed systems, group responsible for operational control, maintenance and criticality

7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Science Program Operations Operations are ~3+ years off, but CF staff will be required to support operational elements Engineering and operating guidance as CF utility systems and services are placed under load and variable conditions Maintenance, modification and optimization of utility systems - particularly, HVAC, power and water systems Interface and oversight of IFM and F&O ops & maintenance of various systems and facilities Installation of new beamlines & User facilities –Structural and utilities/services capacity issues Modification of related facilities as operations and staffing levels ramp up

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II/Photon Science Facilities Upcoming design/construction requirements Building 725 Alternative Use Study –Evaluate capability of reuse to support office/lab & computing needs of NSLS-II –Study underway and preliminary report due October 31 –After, need definitive project plans for balance of staff, lab & computing space LOB Build-out Construction –Oversight of LOB 4 and 5 shell and 2, 4, & 5 interior fit-out Remote End Stations / Long Beamlines –HXN now part of baseline scope but other long beamlines expected soon Planning for D&D of B725 accelerator in 2015-17 Joint Photon Science Institute – JPSI –Balance of funds from NY state unlikely, alternative sources being considered

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES B725 Alternative Use Study Major CF activity will be planning for future use of Building 725, the existing NSLS NSLS-II management, admin, engineering and scientific staff will occupy B725 – a large fraction of projected ~600 total NSLS-II staff Current building occupancy is just ~160 LOBs can accommodate 150 – 375 depending on # built/fitted-out Permanent NSLS-II control room to be in B725 Existing NSLS accelerator (UV and VUV Rings) will have to be D&D’d Need to plan for future conversion of this space into usable space for: –Technical support areas, labs and/or computing space –Possible conference or auditorium space –Must be integrated to meet total staff space requirements

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Lab Office Scenario – One Option

11 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Conclusions Creation of Photon Science Organization and Facility Division has paved way for planning the optimal organization to meet upcoming needs –CFAC experience and guidance in these areas would be valuable Time for readiness for interim operations < four months away –Working closely with F&O, IFM team and ASD/ XFD to be ready Out-year facility requirements to support NSLS-II and Photon Science Directorate are becoming more clear –Facility planning is now underway

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