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“Barbarians” In East: Visigoths (West Goths), Huns In West: Ostrogoths (East Goths), Franks.

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Presentation on theme: "“Barbarians” In East: Visigoths (West Goths), Huns In West: Ostrogoths (East Goths), Franks."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Barbarians” In East: Visigoths (West Goths), Huns In West: Ostrogoths (East Goths), Franks

2 c. 500 BC Germanic peoples migrating to borders of Roman Empire 4th c. AD By now regular contact between barbarians and Romans. Ostrogoths and Visigoths have adopted Arian Christianity 375 Visigoths granted permission to settle in Empire by Valens (r. 364-78) 378 Battle of Adrianople

3 Map Link: The Roman Empire about 395: < roman_empire_395.jpgroman_empire_395.jpg>

4 410 Visigoths under Alaric (r. 395-410) sack Rome 410 Death of Alaric. Succeeded by Ataulph (r. 410-16), who married Galla Placidia, mother of Valentinian III (r. 425-55) 451 Huns under Attila (r. 433-53) attack empire, defeated by Aetius at Châlons-sur-Marne 452 Huns invade Italy, threaten Rome 455 Vandals sack Rome

5 Map Link: Peoples and Kindoms in the West about 476: < maps/map001.jpgmaps/map001.jpg>

6 476 Odoacar brings Western Roman Empire to an end 486 Clovis (Frank, r. 481-511) takes northern France/Gaul from Syagrius 489-93 Theodoric (Ostrogoth, r. 471-526) takes Italy from Odoacar for Emperor Zeno (r. 474-91)

7 Archaeology Law Codes Histories Roman Records Overall concern over whom texts written for, by and about Sources

8 Ethnic Geographical/“National” Kinship Lordship Questions of Identity

9 Family/clan/tribe as primary tie on loyalty Kinship Merovingians Merovech

10 Impact of family: Protection - danger of feuds - wergeld Marriage - limited rights of women Inheritance Kinship

11 Lordship Voluntary relationship; swear loyalty in return for protection and plunder Permanent relationship from end 1st c. Classes:Nobles Freemen Freed-men Slaves Warrior nobility supported by others

12 Justice Popular courts - assemblies of free warriors Compurgation (oath-taking ceremony) and ordeal Assembled people as witnesses to holy rite

13 Role of Government Warriors having limited influence on choice of leadership Councils of war as “pep rallies” Limited roles of government: leadership in war, restraint on feuds

14 Clergy taking charge of civic affairs Warrior nobility living on estates, supported by peasantry

15 Grave of Childeric I (d. 481), father of Clovis At Tournai, Belgium Discovered in 1653 Many objects stolen and melted down in 1831

16 CHILDIRICI REGIS (Belonging to King Childeric)

17 Mix of Styles Period of Transition

18 Tacitus: Germania Cornelius Tacitus (c. 55-c. 117) Historian Born in S. Gaul, upper class Studied rhetoric in Rome Held various government positions

19 Tacitus: Germania Various works, including: Histories Annals De Origine et Situ Germanorum (Germania)

20 Sidonius Apollinaris Caius Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius Born Lyons c. 431, Roman aristocrat, poet, diplomat, (eventually) bishop Member of ruling class, married to emperor’s daughter Served as prefect of Rome (twice), ambassador

21 Sidonius Apollinaris 472 Appointed bishop of Clermont 474 Clermont conquered by Visigoths. Exiled 476 Restored to bishopric c. 488 Death Panegyrics of 3 emperors, other verse, many letters

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