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World War I Vocabulary Shining Star, Book A UNIT 4, Part 1.

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1 World War I Vocabulary Shining Star, Book A UNIT 4, Part 1


3 allies Britain and France were allies, so they fought together against other countries. countries that fight on the same side

4 enemy Britain and Frances enemy was Germany. the opposing side; not friends

5 surrendered Germany knew it could not win the war, so it surrendered. gave up victory

6 tension The tension between the two countries grew into a conflict. nervousness; anxiety; bad feeling

7 terrorists A group of terrorists hid bombs in the train, frightening the passengers. people who secretly do terrible things in order to scare or frighten the public

8 treaty A treaty was signed in 1919, and peace returned to Europe. a document that shows agreement between two sides

9 World War I pp. 138 - 147

10 overseas trade the buying and selling of foreign products

11 colonies countries or areas that are ruled by other countries

12 resources things that create wealth, such as land and energy

13 alliances agreements between countries to become allies (friends – on the same side)s

14 assassination the killing of an important person

15 emperor ruler of a country or countries

16 inventions completely new things

17 technology the knowledge and equipment that is used in the making of machines, etc.

18 choking coughing, gasping for breath

19 blisters lumps on the skin, filled with liquid usually caused by burning

20 neutral not supporting any country or alliance in a conflict

21 unrestricted without limits

22 cargo ships ships that carry food and other things

23 supplies things that people need for daily life

24 starving very hungry

25 armistice agreement to stop fighting

26 civilians people who arent in the army or navy

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