Starcross Primary School YEAR 6 SATS MEETING. Aims of the meeting: to inform you about Year 6 SATs to inform you about Year 6 SATs to encourage you to.

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Presentation on theme: "Starcross Primary School YEAR 6 SATS MEETING. Aims of the meeting: to inform you about Year 6 SATs to inform you about Year 6 SATs to encourage you to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starcross Primary School YEAR 6 SATS MEETING

2 Aims of the meeting: to inform you about Year 6 SATs to inform you about Year 6 SATs to encourage you to support your child and make a significant difference to their learning to encourage you to support your child and make a significant difference to their learning

3 What are SATs? Statutory Assessment tests which all pupils take at the end of Key Stage two. Statutory Assessment tests which all pupils take at the end of Key Stage two. They provide a snapshot of attainment in English, mathematics and science. They provide a snapshot of attainment in English, mathematics and science. The tests take place during May and last for a whole week. The tests take place during May and last for a whole week. The tests are marked externally and reported in the end of year report. The tests are marked externally and reported in the end of year report. Children are expected to achieve a Level 4 at the end of Key Stage two. Children are expected to achieve a Level 4 at the end of Key Stage two.

4 What are the results used for? Monitoring school success Monitoring school success Guiding secondary schools – they also test on entry though Guiding secondary schools – they also test on entry though Guiding the school on how to improve our service – analysed each year Guiding the school on how to improve our service – analysed each year

5 The English Tests There are three tests -writing test There are three tests -writing test -spelling test -spelling test -reading test -reading test Writing test Writing test -Longer task -Handwriting is assessed as part of the longer task -Shorter task -Spelling test contains 20 words -Total of 50 marks

6 Reading Test Reading Test -Only general instructions can be read -15 minutes reading time -45 minutes to answer questions -Test can include a wide range of texts -Total of 50 marks

7 The Mathematic Tests There are three tests There are three tests - test A (non calculator) - test B (calculator) - test B (calculator) - mental arithmetic - mental arithmetic Test A and B have 40 marks each Test A and B have 40 marks each Mental arithmetic has 20 marks Mental arithmetic has 20 marks

8 Teacher Assessment This is an essential part of the national curriculum assessment and reporting arrangements. It is carried out as part of teaching and learning in the classroom. This is an essential part of the national curriculum assessment and reporting arrangements. It is carried out as part of teaching and learning in the classroom. Teacher assessment results are reported alongside the test results. Both have equal status and provide complimentary information about a pupils attainment. Teacher assessment results are reported alongside the test results. Both have equal status and provide complimentary information about a pupils attainment.

9 Teacher assessment takes into account evidence of achievement in a variety of contexts e.g. written, practical and oral work, classroom work, homework, weekly tests, discussions and observations. Teacher assessment takes into account evidence of achievement in a variety of contexts e.g. written, practical and oral work, classroom work, homework, weekly tests, discussions and observations. Teacher assessment provides a rounded judgement that is based upon knowledge of how a child has performed over time and across a range of contexts.It takes into account strengths and weaknesses of a child's performance. Teacher assessment provides a rounded judgement that is based upon knowledge of how a child has performed over time and across a range of contexts.It takes into account strengths and weaknesses of a child's performance.

10 Preparing for the tests in school. We are giving children opportunities to: work independently work independently see the layout and design of previous years’ tests see the layout and design of previous years’ tests complete work in a given time complete work in a given time learn test strategies i.e. what to do if they cannot answer a question, read a word, learn test strategies i.e. what to do if they cannot answer a question, read a word,

11 Preparing for the tests at home. Why should you help? Why should you help? Research has shown that children who achieve Level 4 at the end of Key Stage two will gain the expected five GCSEs with grades A-C at the end of Key Stage three. Research has shown that children who achieve Level 4 at the end of Key Stage two will gain the expected five GCSEs with grades A-C at the end of Key Stage three. No matter what your child’s wishes for the future, it is expected by most employers that any candidate for a job interview will as a minimum have GCSE Maths and English or their equivalent. No matter what your child’s wishes for the future, it is expected by most employers that any candidate for a job interview will as a minimum have GCSE Maths and English or their equivalent.

12 Ways to help: Ensure your child knows their times table and division facts and then extend this to 30 x 6, Ensure your child knows their times table and division facts and then extend this to 30 x 6, 420÷7, 420÷7, Improve their mental addition or subtraction skills by asking them questions on the way to school e.g. 67+ 43. Remember, this should be fun. Improve their mental addition or subtraction skills by asking them questions on the way to school e.g. 67+ 43. Remember, this should be fun. Test them on their spellings at home or on the way to school. Test them on their spellings at home or on the way to school. Improve their reading skills by Improve their reading skills by -reading regularly if they need to become a more fluent reader -reading regularly if they need to become a more fluent reader -asking them questions about what they have read to improve their inference/deduction skills. They may be the best in the world at decoding, but they need to understand what they have read. -asking them questions about what they have read to improve their inference/deduction skills. They may be the best in the world at decoding, but they need to understand what they have read.

13 Encourage them to do their best! Encourage them to do their best! During the test week please make sure your child: -gets enough sleep -eats breakfast -comes to school with a mid morning snack and water bottle -Is encouraged. The children may be worried without showing it.

14 Support Materials WH Smith / John Menzies etc. WH Smith / John Menzies etc. All subjects together / individual subjects All subjects together / individual subjects Cost approx between £2 - £10 depending on type of booklet Cost approx between £2 - £10 depending on type of booklet Answers and simple mark schemes supplied to grade your child’s work. If unsure, ask Mrs. Vanderford to run through it with you Answers and simple mark schemes supplied to grade your child’s work. If unsure, ask Mrs. Vanderford to run through it with you

15 Finally Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Play your part – year 7 will be much easier as they tend to repeat many elements of year 6. Give your child a head start! Play your part – year 7 will be much easier as they tend to repeat many elements of year 6. Give your child a head start! Remember we do not teach to the tests. We are concerned with the whole child. Remember we do not teach to the tests. We are concerned with the whole child.


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