Digital Leadership …the Calderdale way. Building Ambition for Calderdale Growth- Driving economic development and enterprise Ambition- Raising aspiration.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Leadership …the Calderdale way. Building Ambition for Calderdale Growth- Driving economic development and enterprise Ambition- Raising aspiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Leadership …the Calderdale way

2 Building Ambition for Calderdale Growth- Driving economic development and enterprise Ambition- Raising aspiration and achievement for all our residents Resilience: Supporting personal, community and environmental resilience Sustainability: Managing demand and investing for the future Efficiency: Delivering efficiency and effectiveness in public services Fairness: Reducing inequalities and tackling disadvantage 2

3 Enterprise Demand Management Prevention & Early Intervention Smart Working Digital & Technology Leadership Change Programmes

4 Open Data Infrastructure Workforce Citizens DIGITAL CALDERDALE Procurement Web Chat BDUK Phases 1-2 BDUK Phases 3-4 Future Workforce Piece Hall Wi-FI Library Wi-Fi Social Media Training Digital High St Intranet 4G Digital Competencies Telecare Town Centre Wi-Fi Council Wi-Fi Gigabit Fibre Rings Predictive Modelling E-learning solution Digital Theatre Skills & Innov. Centre Digital Services Framework Cloud Solutions Intelligence Gathering Troubled Families Signposting Business to Business Support Universal Credit Coder dojos Digital Summit Coding camps Hackathons Fab Lab Digital by Default website Digital by Default Review Existing Contracts ODI Data Observatory

5 Digital & Technology Leadership The next step-change in human evolution …so probably a fundamental organisational shift Systems Leadership Complexity Uncertainty Pebbles in a pond Reassuring excitement (or exciting reassurance) Symbols and stories Whole Council not just digital by default


7 Objectives Create a digital and innovation technology environment in the Borough and the Council: Build an appetite for the use of digital technologies, developing skills for the future and allowing innovation adoption. Re-design information, transactional and digital engagement around the needs of our consumers. Create a workforce culture capable of both keeping pace with change and innovating with technology; confident in using it & in engaging citizens in the co-production of digitally-enabled solutions. Drive uptake of digital services and innovation in the community to ensure greater inclusion,driving up productivity Put in place the building blocks, through information governance and physical assets, creating new sources for innovation; allowing data to be used as an asset

8 Workstreams Digital Economy & Infrastructure Digital Services Digital OD & Comms

9 And chaos

10 Some Initiatives…

11 Infrastructure, business stimulation and digital business skills Open data platform and data capture Skills innovation centre Digital outreach (with Eureka) Channel Shift Future Workforce programme Change Makers Giraffs, teddies and talking brooches

12 And lots of excitement…


14 Rapid Prototyped iDrobe…..


16 Digital Leadership On the edge of understanding ‘The impact of convergence on the digital economy’ ‘A basic introduction to interfacing for the hardware curious’ ‘Hack the bins fab lab innovate space but inspirational

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