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Presentation on theme: "HAMILTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Secondary Options Information for 2016 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD."— Presentation transcript:



3 Hamilton Christian School will provide a Christ- centred education, aiming for excellence in attitude and academics, equipping students to use their talents to serve God in the community. Mission Statement ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

4 We anticipate the following for 2016 – 2 x Year 9 classes – 2 x Year 10 classes Secondary School 2016 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

5 Subjects for Year 9 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Compulsory (Whole year) Compulsory (1/2 year rotation) Compulsory (12 week rotation) PE and HealthArtICT BibleEconomicsWoodwork EnglishMusicElectronics MathematicsTe Reo Māori Science Worldview Studies

6 Subjects for Year 10 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Compulsory (Whole year) Compulsory (1/2 year rotation) Compulsory (12 week rotation) Electives (choose 1) PE and HealthEnterprise StudiesFoodMusic BibleTe Reo MāoriMetalworkArt EnglishElectronicsCorrespondence option * Mathematics Science Worldview Studies

7 Correspondence Options Year 10 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD For further information about Te Kura Correspondence school – please visit. http://www.correspondence.school.nz Correspondence options up to Level 5 AgricultureHome economicsLife skills Business StudiesHorticultureSpanish Chinese beginnersJapanese beginnersTechnology French beginnersLatin beginners German beginnersGraphics and design

8 Mathematics Year 9 Students use two textbooks, the extra text is designed to promote enrichment in the form of lateral and abstract problem solving. Year 10 Mathematics students in year 10 also use the extra textbook as well as sitting 3 NCEA Level 1 internal assessments (10 credits in total). The core class completes 2 of these internal assessments in year 10. Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

9 Mathematics The top years 9-11 mathematics students have the opportunity to complete a pre-scholarship programme of weekly assignments. This is designed to introduce different concepts in order to promote problem solving and advanced algebraic skills. Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

10 English Year 9 Individual pathways. We do the asTTle test and base the difficulty of content on the results. Having a wide range of levels in one class, “one size fits all”, does not suit. We teach the same content but have differing expectations. Reading is also differentiated in that we choose more sophisticated texts for more able readers and also expect a higher word count for writing assignments. Year 10 Level 1 Achievement Standards in reading and presenting. Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

11 Science All Years Individual students For students that show aptitude in particular subject areas and who have the ability to work independently, we offer a higher level curriculum programme which is done in their own time. They are also allowed to sit the higher level exams at the end of the year. Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

12 What is NCEA? – NCEA stands for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. – It is the main qualification for secondary school students in NZ and can be gained in 3 levels. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

13 What happens if I don’t achieve a standard? – For internally assessed standards, your school may allow you (and others in your class) a resubmission at the teacher’s discretion. For some standards the school may delay your reassessment until the final term, taking into account most of your year’s work. – For externally assessed standards there is only one opportunity to achieve the standard each year – the exam or other external assessment at the end of the year. – A mark can be appealed. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD



16 Hamilton Christian School will provide a Christ- centred education, aiming for excellence in attitude and academics, equipping students to use their talents to serve God in the community. Mission Statement ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

17 We anticipate the following for 2016 – 2 x Year 11 classes – 2 x Year 12 classes – 1 x Year 13 class Secondary School 2016 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

18 Year 11 Subject Options ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD CompulsoryOptions (Choose 2 subjects below, only 1 from each line) Bible NCEA Music or History or ICT (computers) or a correspondence* subject Recreational PENCEA Physical Education or Art or a correspondence subject* English Mathematics Science * Only 1 correspondence subject may be chosen. Based on individual programmes and in consultation with Mrs Verbeek, an extra correspondence option may be considered, based on a solid academic performance.

19 Year 12 Subject Options ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Compulsory Options – (Choose 3 subjects below, not more than one per line) BibleNCEA Physical Education or Art or a correspondence subject* English Music or ICT (computers) or History or a correspondence subject* MathematicsBiology or Physics or a correspondence subject* Chemistry or a correspondence subject* * A maximum of 2 correspondence subjects can be chosen based on individual programmes and in consultation with Mrs Verbeek.

20 Year 13 Subject Options ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Compulsory Options (choose at least 4 subjects, not more than one per line). You may choose up to 5 options. BibleEnglish or a correspondence subject* Calculus or NCEA Physical Education or Art or a correspondence subject* Statistics or a correspondence subject* Physics or a correspondence subject* Biology or a correspondence subject* Chemistry or a correspondence subject* Music will be offered only as a performance based subject and will not be timetabled. Students will have to work in extra time and by negotiation with Mr Clarke only. * A maximum of 2 correspondence subjects can be chosen based on individual programmes and in consultation with Mrs Verbeek.

21 Correspondence Options ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD For further information about Te Kura Correspondence school – please visit. http://www.correspondence.school.nz Correspondence Options most opted for by HCS Students* Legal StudiesClassical StudiesHome Economics SpanishFrenchGraphics AccountingAgricultureEconomics HistoryTravel and Tourism ** ** Extra costs apply

22 Wintec Star Courses 1 – 3 days. These aim to provide experience related to a possible career path e.g. Barista course Costs range between $50 and $250 depending on the course. Other Unit Standards based courses are available through Wintec but costs vary. Taster Courses ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

23 Sir George Seymor College and Travel Careers & Training Correspondence course The institute specialises in airline, travel & tourism courses for careers such as flight attendants (cabin crew), tour guides, conferencing and events. Costs are around $130. Travel and Tourism ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

24 BCITO Level 3 unit standards at around $400 per student per annum. Students can gain 20 credits. Some courses are:- – Carpentry – Interior and Exterior Plastering – Specialist Interiors – Cement and Concrete Taster Courses ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

25 Mathematics Year 11 The extended class programme includes all 4 external assessments for Level 1 NCEA. They also sit one level 2 internal assessment as well as class work at year 12 level. Year 12 The extended class programme includes all 3 external assessments for Level 2 NCEA. The students also complete in-class extension in preparation for calculus. Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

26 Mathematics Year 13 Splits into the two classes (statistics and calculus). There is a scholarship programme for both of these subjects Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

27 English Year 11 – 12 We are looking at having an extended Year 11 and 12 class with a literature focus. Year 13 This course is very academic and aimed at students who are looking at going onto tertiary education. The content of this course is challenging, exciting and at a very high academic standard. Scholarship courses are offered. There are only internally assessed standards with a maximum of 16 credits. Extension Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

28 All core subjects In 2015 we intend to offer scholarship courses for identified/selected students in any of the core year 13 subject options. Scholarship Programmes ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

29 NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD What is NCEA? NCEA stands for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. It is the main qualification for secondary school students in NZ and can be gained in 3 levels.

30 Types of Standards Schools assess two types of standards Achievement standards – Can be assessed by internal assessment in schools, by external assessment through NZQA examinations at the end of the year or by portfolios submitted for external assessment. Unit Standards – Are usually assessed internally in school or the workplace. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

31 Certificate Endorsement If you gain 50 credits at Excellence at a particular level, your NCEA will be endorsed with Excellence. To achieve Level 1, literacy and numeracy requirements have to be met. If you gain 50 credits at Merit (or a mix of Merit and Excellence) your NCEA will be endorsed with Merit. Literacy requirements have to be met. Credits must be gained at the Level of certificate, or above. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

32 Course Endorsement If in a single year you gain 14 or more credits at merit and/or Excellence for a course, you will gain endorsement in that course. Of these credits, at least 3 credits must be from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards in that course. – (Note: this condition does not apply to Physical Education, Religious Studies or Level 3 Visual Arts). The Bible programme will provide 14 credits for Religious Studies and can be used toward University Entrance. The examinations are optional. This is the only subject where examinations are optional. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

33 Can I appeal my results? If you have a question about the marking of an internal assessment, you should discuss this with your teacher at the time your work is returned. Your examination papers will be returned to you by mid February. If you believe there was an error in the way your paper was marked, you can ask NZQA to review or reconsider the results. An appeal can be made through the Principal’s Nominee who is Petra Verbeek. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD


35 Can I study at different levels? You do not need to gain NCEA Level 1 to achieve NCEA Level 2. it is possible to study at Level 2 before achieving a Level 1 certificate. Any credits you earn at level 2 will count towards Level 1; at the same time you can begin work towards Level 2. This means the credits you earn may contribute to more than one qualification at the same time. You may study some courses at a higher level than others. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

36 Can I study at different levels? You do not need to gain NCEA Level 1 to achieve NCEA Level 2. it is possible to study at Level 2 before achieving a Level 1 certificate. Any credits you earn at level 2 will count towards Level 1; at the same time you can begin work towards Level 2. This means the credits you earn may contribute to more than one qualification at the same time. You may study some courses at a higher level than others. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

37 What do I need to gain University Entrance ? University Entrance is the minimum requirement for entrance into university in New Zealand. Level 3 and University Entrance Literature and Level 1 Numeracy Most universities and other tertiary institutions have additional requirements, particularly for entry into specific courses. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

38 University Entrance University Entrance (UE) will continue to be the minimum requirement to go to a New Zealand university. From 1 March 2014, to be awarded UE you will need: NCEA Level 3 Four subjects - at Level 3 or above, made up of: – 15 credits each, in four approved subjects Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of: – 5 credits in reading – 5 credits in writing Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of: – achievement standards – specified achievement standards available through a range of subjects, or – unit standards - package of three numeracy unit standards (26623, 26626, 26627- all three required). Once you have met the requirements for University Entrance it will appear on your Record of Achievement. NCEA ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD

39 NCEA L1 Endorsement by year level 2013 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Hamilton Christian SchoolNational Year 11Year 12Year 13Year 11Year 12Year 13 Excellence L1 25%33.3%23.3%17.1%12.8%12.5% Merit L146.9%33.3%40%34.4%31.1%31.8%

40 NCEA L1 Endorsement by year level 2014 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Hamilton Christian SchoolNational Year 11Year 12Year 13Year 11Year 12Year 13 Excellence L1 20.7%24.2%42.1%17.8%14.9%14.2% Merit L151.7%45.5%36.8%34.9%31.5%33.6%

41 NCEA L1 Literacy and Numeracy for 2014 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD Hamilton Christian SchoolNational Year 11Year 12Year 13Year 11Year 12Year 13 NCEA L1 Literacy 94.9%94.6%100%91.3%95.4%96% NCEA L1 Numeracy 87.2%91.9%100%59.3%94.4%95.2%

42 Results are showing the proportion of students achieving their course last year with an Merit or Excellence overall endorsement, the proportion achieving, the proportion who did not get the required number of credits and the University entrance proportion. NCEA Endorsements 2014 ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD YearExcellenceMeritAchieved Total Achieved University Entrance Year 11 L120.7%51.7%27.6%29 Year 12 L218.8%40.6% 32 Year 13 L337.5%31.3% 1678.9%

43 This will be held on Thursday 3 September 2015 at HCS 3:40pm to 8pm Booking Code YFDWW on www.schoolinterviews.co.nz The confirmation evening will be for those who are concerned about the choices and / or need clarification. Please book for the relevant Head of Departments for the subjects you wish to discuss. Options Confirmation Evening ACT JUSTLYLOVE MERCYWALK HUMBLY WITH GOD


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