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Museum Entrance France Attractions Famous People Top FoodsFrance Curator’s Offices Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Entrance France Attractions Famous People Top FoodsFrance Curator’s Offices Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Entrance France Attractions Famous People Top FoodsFrance Curator’s Offices Language

2 Curator’s Office I am a college freshman I LOVE LOVE LOVE shopping The top thing on my bucket list is to go to the Eiffel Tower (that is why I chose France) I have a huge wild crazy loud obnoxious loving and amazing family I love to death (mom, stepdad, dad, stepmom, 7 sisters, 4 brother-in-laws, 2 brothers, 12 nieces and nephews) I have 3 best friends that I adore (Rachelle, Kim, and Hannah) and a boyfriend that I am completely in love with (Noah) Megan Nolan Place your picture here. Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry

3 Room 1 Return to Entry Artifact 2France

4 Room 2 Return to Entry Artifact 6 Attractions of France

5 Room 3 Return to Entry Artifact 10 Top Food of France

6 Room 4 Return toMuseum Entrance Entry Artifact 14 Famous People of France

7 map of France 211,209 square miles France is about 80% the size of Texas. Germany, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy and Andorra are the countries that surround France. About 80 per cent the size of Texas. Return to Exhibit France

8 http://eiffel tower/eiffel tower Disneyland-14.5 million visitors. (Paris) Eiffel Tower- 6.8 Million visitors. (Paris) The Georges Pompidou centre and museum of art.- 5.5 million visitors. (Paris) Château de Versailles- 5.3 million visitors (near Paris) Return to Exhibit Attractions of France

9 baguettes Soupe à l'oignon - French soup made of onions and beef stock, usually served with croutons and cheese on top Wine - Not really a food, but is served with most meals or snacks. Cheese - These plates are usually served after the main course and before desert Boeuf bourguignon -A stew made of beef braised in red wine, beef broth and seasoned with garlic, onions, fresh herbs and mushrooms. Chocolate souffle - The crispy chocolate crust with a soft creamy chocolate filling Return to Exhibit Top Foods of France

10 Coco Chanel Coco Chanel- Fashion Designer Claude Monet – Artist Louis Pasteur- Medical Microbiology Louis Vuitton- Fashion Designer Marie Antoinette- Queen Andre the Giant- Professional wrestler and actor. Return to Exhibit Famous People of France

11 french flag A Romance language descended from Latin. Roman alphabet. Official language of France, Luxembourg, Haiti, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada, and more than 15 African countries. Primary language of 75 million- many more speak it as a second language. Return to Exhibit Language

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