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Fiction vs. Non- Fiction Practice. Would this tiger belong in a fiction or non-fiction book? N O N- F I C T I O N.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiction vs. Non- Fiction Practice. Would this tiger belong in a fiction or non-fiction book? N O N- F I C T I O N."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiction vs. Non- Fiction Practice

2 Would this tiger belong in a fiction or non-fiction book? N O N- F I C T I O N

3 Would this monkey belong in a fiction book? YES!

4 Which picture belongs in a non-fiction book about space? A. B.

5 Is the book below fiction or non-fiction? Fiction!

6 Are the Pigeon Books fiction or non-fiction? Fiction!

7 Is a book about baking a cake fiction or non-fiction? Non- Fiction

8 Is a book about a talking cow fiction or non-fiction? Mooooo! Fiction!

9 Is the book below fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction

10 Are biographies fiction or non- fiction? Non-fiction

11 Are Dr. Seuss books fiction or non-fiction? Fiction

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