SP 225 Lecture 2 Writing with Statistics Sampling Methods.

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1 SP 225 Lecture 2 Writing with Statistics Sampling Methods

2 Agenda  Survey Sampling Sampling basics United States Census  Census Issue Essay

3 Designing Studies  Selection Method  Questionnaire Design  United States Census

4 Population vs. Sample  Population: All subjects in a study population  Sample: Subset of subjects included in the study

5 Parameter vs. Statistic Population: All People Parameter: 5 of 15 or 33% wear glasses Sample: 3 Randomly Selected People Statistic: 0 of 3 or 0% wear glasses

6 Random Sampling  Random sample: each individual member of a population has an equal chance of being selected  EPSEM  Important Questions: Is every member of a population equally likely to be chosen? Is every combination of members equally likely to be chosen?

7 Convenience Sampling uses results that are easy to get

8 Systematic Sampling Select some starting point and then select every k th element in the population

9 Stratified Sampling subdivide the population into at least two different subgroups that share the same characteristics, then draw a sample from each subgroup (or stratum)

10 Cluster Sampling divide the population into sections (or clusters); randomly select some of those clusters; choose all members from selected clusters

11 Sampling Error  Sample Error: Difference between sample result and true population result  Non-Sample Error: Difference caused by data that has been incorrectly collected, recorded or analyzed

12 Common Study Problems  Loaded questions Would you vote for Mr. President if you knew he had gone to prison? (push-polling)  Order of questions Would you say traffic contributes more to air pollution than industry? (45% traffic, 27% ind.) Would you say industry contributes more to pollution than traffic? (24% traffic, 57% ind.)

13 The United States Census  Every 10 Years the Census Bureau attempts to count and survey all citizens of the United States  Number of US Representatives in each state are determined by the census  The amount of Federal funds each state receives depends on the Census (over $185 billion each year)  Approximately 310 million residents  Requires 860,000 employees to conduct the census  All households receive a short-form questionnaire and 1 in 6 receive a long-form questionnaire that takes about 40 minutes to complete

14 Census Methodology  The census is used to calculate population parameters  Is the census successful?

15 Differential Undercount  Some groups counted at different rates  The General Accounting Office estimates some states were entitled to and additional $208 million while some states were overpaid $368 million  In 1980 a House district was taken from Indiana and given to Florida after count correction  Legal challenges against imputation and to require the use of sampling to correct counts http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09832t.pdf http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09832t.pdf http://www.census.gov/srd/papers/pdf/rrs2005-01.pdf

16 Census Correction  http://2010.census.gov/2010census/  Count Question Resolution petition for local governments

17 Statistical Methods for Correction  1850 counts for California counties lost at sea  1940 sampling was used to determine personal characteristics so less households were required to use the long form  Imputation used alone or with sampling  1970 used to correct count when the post office had only partial updated address listings Sampling estimates number missed Imputation determines characteristics  1980 Census tries synthetic estimation  1990 sampling used for those on probation with help of probation officers

18 Sampling in the 2000 Census  Sampling for non response Sample non responders in each census tract (1700 households) to test rate of vacancy  Capture-recapture for large geographic areas  Multiplicity estimation for homeless combines count with usage

19 Census Discussion  What groups of people are more likely to be missed by the census?What does the term differential undercount mean?  How are census results confirmed?  How has sampling historically been used in the census?  What arguments are there in favor of sampling in the census?  What arguments are there against sampling in the census?

20 Census Essay  Write a position paper arguing either the Democratic or Republican position on the use of sampling methods considered during the 2000 Census to arrive at an adjusted count in the 2010 Census  In your essay: Clearly state and justify the position Explain usage, operation and scope of sampling methods under consideration Enumerate the consequences of your position Address the counter position

21 Reading  Chapter 1 of Essentials of Social Research

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