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Mr. Hakulin..\week 1\day 1and 2\Introduction to your New Teacher.ppt..\week 1\day 1and 2\Introduction to your New Teacher.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Hakulin..\week 1\day 1and 2\Introduction to your New Teacher.ppt..\week 1\day 1and 2\Introduction to your New Teacher.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Hakulin..\week 1\day 1and 2\Introduction to your New Teacher.ppt..\week 1\day 1and 2\Introduction to your New Teacher.ppt

2 Vocab to study Environmental science natural resources non-renewable resource renewable resource perpetual resource sustainability sustainable yield per capita ecological footprint environmental degradation

3 Environmental Science WHAT IS IT??? Journal your thoughts in a journal or somewhere else and we’ll discuss them after.

4 Environmental Science and Studies Study of how Earth’s environments work how we interact with them how we deal with problems affecting the environment and our relationship with it.

5 Connections in Nature Environment- it is everything that is all around us Albert Einstein stated, “The environment is everything that isn’t me.”

6 Where is your favorite outdoor place In your journal Describe the environment there? What features of its environment make it special to you?

7 What are the top 5 problems/things affecting /facing your environment? List and then rank them Provide reasoning for ranking Share with a partner and discuss your data

8 What type of environment do you prefer?






14 What type of environment are you creating for you and others?






20 We suffer

21 Our environment suffers

22 What are your goals for this class? Contemplate and journal for a bit Then feel free to contemplate and journal on the questions below. What will you do with your knowledge gained from this class? How will you implement it?

23 What is the Purpose, Theme, or Goal, of Environmental Science

24 Ecosystem A set of organisms within a defined area interacting with each other and with their environment of nonliving matter and energy. Ecology- the Biological Science where we study how organisms interact with each other and their environment

25 Sustainability Contains 3 main components: Essentially What do our lives and economies depend on? 1. Natural Capital Capital is an economic term for money and other forms of wealth, used to support our lifestyle Natural Capital- the natural resources and services that keep us living and support our economies

26 Sustainability 2. Recognizing how we degrade natural capital Use only as much as you have and replenish what you used “Protect your capital and live on the income it provides.”

27 Sustainability 3. Solutions Scientific vs. Political - Data may lead us to conclusions and educated plans but implementing plans requires decisions in the forms of rules, regulations, and/or incentives

28 3 R’s of Sustainability Reduce Reuse Recycle

29 Natural Resources Materials and energy in nature that are essential or beneficial to us Can be Renewable or nonrenewable Examples of renewable? Air, water, soil, plants, wind, etc. Example of nonrenewable? Copper, oil, coal, etc. What is a perpetual resource?

30 Reuse vs. Recycle Reuse- using the resource over and over again in the same form Recycling- Collecting waste material and processing it into new materials Drawbacks??? What takes less energy, exploiting virgin metallic resources or recycling them???

31 Natural Services Natural processes which support life and our economies. The biodiversity of Earth’s species, ecosystems and their many components provide us these services without monetary cost Technology can be used to enhance our natural services but there is no substitute for these precious resources

32 Project Introduction Outline and Introduction Outdoor Observations Activity Mapping and Measuring Property

33 Tragedy of the Commons Biologist Garrett Hardin wrote a scientific article in 1968 titled, “The Tragedy of the Commons.” It detailed the problems faced with infinite population and finite resources A user of “common” or open-access resources rationalizes, “I am doing what everyone is doing, If I do not utilize this resource, somone else will. If I pollute or waste a little, it does not matter in the whole.”

34 Excerpt from article Your thoughts in journal Then discussion

35 Population Labs Activity 1.1- Population Census Lab Determining Population of a Species Fishing for the Future Lab

36 Some axioms to consider There is no free lunch All things are interconnected More is not always better No one is perfect but we can all be better No one can do everything, but we can all do something Be not merely good, be good for something Think globally, act locally

37 Impacts of Wealthy Countries Vs. Poor Developed countries- (18%) classified by U.N. based on ave. income p.p. Examples- US, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand Use 88% of Earth’s resources Developing Countries (82%) - all other ones

38 China Currently has as many middle class consumers as the US Projections- In 3 years (2015) that number will be more than double the total US population

39 IPAT Model Created in 1970’s by Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren to show how (P) population size, (A) Affluence-resource consumption per. Person, and (T) beneficial and harmful environmental effects of technologies determine (I) environmental impact Equation I=P x A x T

40 I=P x A x T

41 Ecology from the Greek terms: οἶκος, "house, or dwelling place"; and from λογία, "study of"

42 Ecosystems and us an08.sci.ess.earthsys.maclean/steve-maclean- conservationist/ an08.sci.ess.earthsys.maclean/steve-maclean- conservationist/ ean08.sci.ess.earthsys.yukonriver/on-the- yukon-river/ ean08.sci.ess.earthsys.yukonriver/on-the- yukon-river/

43 Water What’s in your Water Activity Vocab. Terms -Point Source -Navigable waters

44 Pollution What is it? What are the two main kinds? -point sources- -nonpoint sources-

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