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Alzheimer's Disease was named after Dr.Alois Alzheimer in 1906.

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2 Alzheimer's Disease was named after Dr.Alois Alzheimer in 1906

3 Alzheimer's Disease is an irreversible brain disease that slowly destroys a person memory and ability to think and leading them not to be able to do every day task. Most common in cause of Dementia in elderly people. Dementia- Loss of Cognitive functioning thinking, remembering and reasoning that disrupts a persons day to day life.

4 It is not truly known what is the main cause of Alzheimer's Disease. There is speculation that it can be a genetics. There is a series of events that take place in the brain while slowly damaging the brain.

5 Memory problems, but they aren’t as severe as full blown Alzheimer's Disease. Usually the patient will have memory loss and usually will ask questions more than once

6 The person will show symptoms of getting lost, and trouble handling money and remembering to pay bills. Doctors will usually diagnosis disease at this stage.

7 Damage to part of the brain which controls language, researching, and conscious thought. The patient is incapable of learning anything new and is unable to carry out everyday task such as putting on clothes. Hallucinations, delusions and paranoia is also a symptom at this stage alongside compulsive behaviour.

8 Plaques and tangle have spread throughout the brain. Brain tissue has significantly shrunk Cannot communicate in any form and must rely on someone else to help them out.

9  MRI are performed on the patient  A CT scan may also be performed  Also regular blood, urine and spinal fluid test are done to diagnosis the problem

10 No treatment is available to completely stop the disease. For mild or moderate stages of Alzheimer's disease there are medications available to slow the progress of AD. Some of these pills include: - Aricept - Exelon - Rozodyne

11 Any person can get Alzheimer's Disease, but there are a few ways to lower your risk of getting it. -Stop Smoking -Obesity -Diabetes -Chronic Stress


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