Florent Frederix Head of Sector European Commission Aalborg, 20 May 2009 Florent Frederix Head of Sector European Commission Aalborg, 20 May 2009 CERP-IOT.

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Presentation on theme: "Florent Frederix Head of Sector European Commission Aalborg, 20 May 2009 Florent Frederix Head of Sector European Commission Aalborg, 20 May 2009 CERP-IOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florent Frederix Head of Sector European Commission Aalborg, 20 May 2009 Florent Frederix Head of Sector European Commission Aalborg, 20 May 2009 CERP-IOT Cluster meeting

2 The Internet of Things Any time Any where Any way AnyThing Embedded intelligence and information in objects Objects are aware of where, how, who, when, what

3 Cluster actions 1. Strategic research agenda Work meeting in Brussels – RACE BXL June 19 Final draft ready by October 6 2009 Editor : Anthony Furness & Ian Smith Different input sources (cluster) & communication on the IoT 2. Next cluster meeting & Third cluster meeting (Next) October IoT conference in London? October 6 - 7 (Next) Contribution of partners? Potential inputs to Patrick Guillemin (Next) Coordinating role? CASAGRAS Third cluster meeting: To be defined 3. International cooperation MTP for Internet of Things Ready for next IMS board meeting in Europe? (November 9-11 2009) Coordinator? Dimitris Kiritsis

4 Cluster actions (2) 4. website Hosting of the website to be decided by Jan 2010 Content / Maintenance to be decided by Jan 2010 Identity / web address / flyer: New name consultation will start 5. Book Pdf ready before Stockholm event Printed version needed? EC (P Friess) Content Project portfolio & Strategic Research Roadmap 2009 Coordinator: Harald Sundmaeker Quality: Peer review cycle for each document (All) 6. RFID PIA Framework Express interest for the informal workgroup (All)

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