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System Modelling with UML objectives

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1 System Modelling with UML objectives
Describe Unified Modeling Language (UML) in the context of Requirements Specification Re-visit use case, class, object and sequence diagrams Describe collaboration, statecharts, activity, component and deployment diagrams

2 Popular Design and Modelling Tool
UML Large systems are easier to understand when you break them down into subsystems Good modelling techniques are increasingly important as the size and complexity of systems increase Good models promote communication among technical and non-technical workers while ensuring good solutions requires organisation and planning An Object-oriented perspective. Modelling with UML

3 About it… Was created at Rational Software by Booch, Jacobson, and Rumbaugh. The Object Management Group adopted UML as a standard in 1997. Is a standard way to specify, construct, and document systems that use OO methods Systems you model may be implemented in an OO programming language like Java, C++, C# As with flowcharts, pseudocode, hierarchy charts and class diagrams, UML has its own conventions and symbols You can the entire specification and usage guidelines from the OMG at Modelling with UML

4 UML Diagrams Diagram Types:
Use to create top view diagrams of business processes that let you hide detail and focus on functionality Useful with customers who are not technically oriented Each type of diagram allow you to see a process from a different angle Diagram Types: Use case diagrams Class diagrams Object diagrams Sequence diagrams Collaboration diagrams Statechart diagrams Activity diagrams Component diagrams Deployment diagrams Modelling with UML

5 UML diagrams classification
Those that illustrate the dynamic, or changing, aspects of a system, and Those that illustrate the static, or steady aspects of a system Dynamic: Use case diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Collaboration diagrams, Statechart diagrams, Activity diagrams Static: Class diagrams, Object diagrams, Component diagrams, Deployment diagrams. Modelling with UML

6 Use case Diagrams Shows how a system works for the perspective of those who approach it from the outside or use it This includes many types of uses: Employees, customers, suppliers Governments, private organisations, machines or other systems Easier to think of them as users, hence the term actors Modelling with UML

7 Use case diagram for Librarian
Represent system functions or services that are visible to the actor Represent cases for which actors interact with system or benefit from it Determining all cases help divide a system logically into functional parts Establishing use cases usually follows from analysing the main events in a system acquireNewBook() checkOutBook() librarian Modelling with UML

8 Variations of use cases
Extend Is a use case that shows functions beyond those found in the base case Include When a use case can be part of multiple use cases (similar to subroutine or submodule) Generalisation When a use case is less specific that others and you want to be able to substitute the more specific for a general one Modelling with UML

9 <<Extend>>
Example: Checking out a book for a new library user is slightly more complicated that checking a book out for an existing user acquireNewBook() checkOutBook() checkOutBookforNewUser() <<extend>> librarian Modelling with UML

10 <<include>>
Example: Issuing a library card might be a function of checkOutBook() when library user is new It might also be a function of registerNewUser() acquireNewBook() checkOutBook() checkOutBookforNewUser() <<extend>> registerNewUser() issueLibraryCard() <<include>> librarian Modelling with UML

11 Use case diagram for Librarian with Generalisations
Example: A librabry has procedures for acquiring new material, acquireNewItem() is a generalisation of acquiring specific items acquireNewBook() checkOutBook() checkOutBookforNewUser() <<extend>> registerNewUser() issueLibraryCard() <<include>> librarian acquireNewVideo() acquireNewJournal() Modelling with UML

12 Use case diagram for Librarian with multiple actors
Example: A library clerk cannot perform as many functions as a librarian; the clerk can check out books and register new library users but cannot acquire new materials. acquireNewBook() checkOutBook() checkOutBookforNewUser() <<extend>> registerNewUser() issueLibraryCard() <<include>> librarian acquireNewVideo() acquireNewJournal() clerk Modelling with UML

13 Use case diagram emphasizing actors
checkOutBook() librarian clerk Library staff Library user Adult user child user Cooperating library checkOutVideo() checkOutReferenceMaterials() Modelling with UML

14 Use case diagram emphasizing System Requirements
checkOutMaterials() Library staff Library user Cooperating library RemoveOldMaterialsFromSystem() acquireNewMaterials() Library System reshelveReturnedMaterials() Modelling with UML

15 Class and Object Diagrams
LibraryItem idNum Title author create() getInfo() Book Video runningTime rewind() Showing Generalisation You can use a class diagram to illustrate the names, attributes, and methods of a class or a set of classes Class diagrams are more useful to programmers (than users) because they resemble code to be developed Modelling with UML

16 Class Diagram with association relationship
An association relationship describes the connection or link between objects that often includes information about cardinality Example: one Library object exists and it can be associated with any number of LibraryItem and LibraryUser. A LibraryUser can borrow up to 5 items. LibraryItem idNum Title create() getInfo(idNum) LibraryUser Name Address borrowItem() Library directorName phoneNumber getInfo() * 1 0..* 0..5 0..1 Modelling with UML

17 Class Diagram with whole-part relationship
A whole-part (has-a) relationship describes an association in which one or more classes make up parts of a larger class (aggregation) Library Name directorName Address phoneNumber create() getInfo() PersonnelDept deptName Director phoneNo ReferenceDept Modelling with UML

18 Object Diagrams Are similar to Class Diagrams, but they model specific instances of classes Library LibraryItem Name: University of Khartoum directorName: Mustafa Deng Address: Gam3a Street phoneNumber: idNum: 23456 Title: Software Engineering create() getInfo() LibraryUser idNum: 19564 Name: Rana Salah Address: XXXX Modelling with UML

19 Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams
You use a sequence diagram to show the timing of events in a single use case the x-axis represents objects, starting from left with object or actor that begins the action Vertical lines represents the period of time the object exists the y-axis represents time, horizontal lines along it show how objects communicate Collaboration diagrams emphasize the organisation of objects that participate in a system Similar to sequence diagrams except that it contains sequence numbers to represent the precise order of activities They show the relationships between the objects and the order of messages passed between them Modelling with UML

20 Sequence of events from sequence diagram
BookCheckOutRecord LibraryUser Book create(User idNum, Book idNum getInfo(idNum) (userInfo) (bookInfo) (checkOutRecord) Librarian 1. 2. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Modelling with UML

21 Example: Collaboration Diagram
Collaboration diagram uses the free-form arrangement of objects as found in an Object diagram, it is a cross between an object diagram and a sequence diagram. The diagram makes it easier to see all interactions involving a particular object. BookCheckOutRecord LibraryUser Book 1. create(User idNum, Book idNum 1.1 getInfo(idNum) 1.2 userInfo() 1.3 getInfo(idNum) 1.4 bookInfo() 2. checkOutRecord() Librarian Modelling with UML

22 Statechart Diagrams These show statuses (changes in behaviour) of a class or object at different points in time. Example: State diagram for class Book not borrowable returned() borrowable borrowed()[not last copy] borrowed()[last copy] guard expression Modelling with UML

23 contactInterLibraryLoan()
Activity Diagrams Resembles flowcharts showing the flow of actions of a system: Uses flowchart start and stop symbols Use empty diamonds to represent decisions userRequest() retrieveBook() contactInterLibraryLoan() checkOutBook() Library Owns Book Library doesn’t Own Book Modelling with UML

24 Activity Diagrams: Fork and Join
Many real-life systems contain activities that occur simultaneously A fork is similar to decision but defines all branches A join reunites control flow after a fork memberLibraryRequestBook() querySudanULibrary() queryGezeriaULibrary() sendBookToRequestingLibrary() queryJubaULibrary() Modelling with UML

25 Component and Deployment Diagrams
These model physical aspects of systems: Component diagrams emphasize the files, database file, documents, and other components that a system’s software uses Deployment diagrams focus on a system’s hardware You use a variety of icons to symbolize software or hardware components. Examples: Internet Request Table Database Console Server Printer Modelling with UML

26 Example: Component Diagram
Internet Request Database Filled when a part can belong to only one whole at a time; Open when it can belong to several Library User table Book table Modelling with UML

27 Example: Deployment Diagram
Internet Console Printer Server A Server B Modelling with UML

28 Component Diagrams in Design and Implementation
Describes the dependencies between various software components, such as executable files, documents, and source files. A component is represented using a rectangular box, with two rectangles protruding from the left side A Dependency is used to model the relationship between two components. The notation for a dependency relationship is a dotted arrow, pointing from a component to the component it depends on. Component Modelling with UML

29 Deployment Diagrams in Design and Implementation
Models the hardware used in implementing a system and the association between those hardware components. Components can also be shown on a Deployment diagram to show the location of their deployment.  A node represents a piece of hardware in the system. This entity is represented by a three-dimensional cube. An association, drawn as a solid line between two Nodes, indicates a line of communication between the hardware elements. Node name Modelling with UML

30 Examples Deployment diagram:
showing that the SiteConfig component is deployed onto the Web Server and the BaseDB component is deployed on an App Server. You can also determine that the Web Server communicates with the App Server, and the App Server communicates with the Database Server and a Printer. Modelling with UML

31 Examples Component diagram: identifies the MyWebComps assembly as being dependent on the BaseDB and SiteConfig source files. You can use stereotyped icons for components instead of the standard icon Modelling with UML

32 Deciding which UML Diagrams to use
Each provide a different view of a system Different users have different preferences The most important reason you use any diagram is to communicate clearly and efficiently with the people for whom you are designing the system Modelling with UML

33 Questions

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