SOS Interoperability III: Standards, Open standards and Interoperability ETSI, Sophia Antipolis 20 February 2006 How OSS can/will/should impact standardization?

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Presentation on theme: "SOS Interoperability III: Standards, Open standards and Interoperability ETSI, Sophia Antipolis 20 February 2006 How OSS can/will/should impact standardization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SOS Interoperability III: Standards, Open standards and Interoperability ETSI, Sophia Antipolis 20 February 2006 How OSS can/will/should impact standardization? Amy Marasco, General Manager, Standards Strategy Microsoft Corporation

2 Interoperability Choice for ICT Implementation of open standards is only one way to achieve interoperability for the ICT sector Mandating one way to achieve interoperability can chill competition, collaboration & innovation for the ICT sector Governments should remain technology neutral to promote competition (see ICC paper)

3 Healthy Standardization Virtuous Cycle ICT R&D Investment Contribute to Open Standards Multiple, Competing Implementations Customers Needs Drive Value-add Intellectual Property Protections Narrowly scoped standards & Non-discriminatory access Interoperability Balanced Against Commercial Viability Markets & Consumer Choice Expand Optimal

4 Disrupted Cycle ICT R&D Investment Contribute to Open Standards Multiple, Competing Implementations Customers Needs Drive Value-add Intellectual Property Protections Narrowly scoped standards & Non-discriminatory access Interoperability Balanced Against Commercial Viability Markets & Consumer Choice Expand Reduced IPRs Single Imp. Is the Std. Overly broad standards Reduced Incentive to Invest Sub-Optimal

5 Key Take-aways Open Standards Open Source Open Standard = Minimum Requirements to Promote Competing Implementations Competing Implementations = Innovation Innovation = Growth for all IT sectors Growth = Benefits for Customers & Governments alike

6 Promoting Competition in the ICT Eco-System Telecom: Operators and manufacturers IT: Software models v. hardware v. services providers OSS v. commercial software is over-emphasized Competition is among broader IT sectors & solutions models None of these models are free or standalone All are required to provide innovative & collaborative consumer solutions Healthy competition among ICT sectors benefits consumers & governments alike Competing ICT business models is creating healthy friction in the system

7 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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