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Basic Freedom Training Part One. Defining Freedom John 8:32 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(ESV)

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Freedom Training Part One. Defining Freedom John 8:32 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(ESV)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Freedom Training Part One

2 Defining Freedom John 8:32 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(ESV)

3 Defining Freedom 2 Corinthians 3:17 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.(ESV)

4 Defining Freedom Freedom is defined not as the absence of a problem but rather as the presence of a person.

5 Defining Freedom Freedom is the capacity to respond to God fully as the person he created and redeemed me to be.

6 Key Ideas Kingdom Focus Hearing God Disciples not Dependents Moments within Process Free People Free People

7 Training Focus Connecting to God Utilizing Tools Connecting to Others

8 Connecting to God Exercise 1 God loves to talk to us about who He is. – Get still. – Get quiet. – Focus your attention on God’s presence. – Wait. – Ask: Father, who do you want to be for me that I’ve never really let you be before now?

9 Connecting to God Exercise 2 God loves to talk to us about who we are. – Get still. – Get quiet. – Focus your attention on God’s presence. – Wait. – Ask: Father, what do you see in me that I’ve never seen in myself?

10 Connecting to Others Exercise 3a – Pairs – Unbroken eye contact – No words – One Minute

11 Connecting to Others Exercise 3b – Pairs – Unbroken eye contact – No words – Place your inward awareness upon their value. – Look for the presence of Christ in them. – One minute – Share with each other your impressions.

12 Connecting to Others Exercise Evaluation – How did exercises 3a & 3b compare? – How might learning to connect with others in this way impact ministry?

13 Anatomy of a Stronghold 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,(ESV)

14 Anatomy of a Stronghold What is a stronghold? – Arguments – Lofty opinions raised against the knowledge of God – Thoughts disobedient to Christ Strongholds are wrong patterns of thought!

15 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event

16 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie

17 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense

18 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond

19 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond

20 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Hurts & Trauma What I experienced. What I did not experience. Generational Inheritance Genetic Spiritual Family Culture

21 Anatomy of a Stronghold Lie Lies I choose Lies I inherit and embrace The meaning I assign to an event. Lies I believe about God, self, and others. “That’s just the way it is in my life!”

22 Anatomy of a Stronghold Defense Emotional Insulation Intellectualization Blame Rationalization Control Preemptive Rejection Denial / Minimization Withholding Trust Busyness Anger Passive Aggression Acting Out / Attention Seeking Medication Fantasy / Escape Others…

23 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond What ‘s the Problem?

24 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Idolatry

25 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Idolatry 1.Source of Truth 2.Source of Security

26 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond What ‘s the Solution?

27 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Repent

28 Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Repent 1.New Source of Truth 2.New Source of Security

29 Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the lie? What is the lie? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce the lie. Forgive What is the truth? Believe & Confess

30 Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the defense? How have I learned to feel protect myself from pain or seek comfort? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce this defense and being your own defender. Invite the Lord to be your defense. Lord, would you show me a picture of what it would be like for you to protect me? Comfort me? Believe & Confess

31 Anatomy of a Stronghold Exercise 4 Pairs Choose roles. – Minister – Receive Ministry Begin with: “Father, is there a particular negative event you want to talk to me about today?” Work through tearing down the lie. Work through tearing down the defense. Switch roles.

32 Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the lie? What is the lie? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce the lie. Forgive What is the truth? Believe & Confess

33 Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the defense? How have I learned to feel protect myself from pain or seek comfort? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce this defense and being your own defender. Invite the Lord to be your defense. Lord, would you show me a picture of what it would be like for you to protect me? Comfort me? Believe & Confess

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