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Lit fibre service Lada Altmannová CESNET Praha, September 19th, 2007.

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1 Lit fibre service Lada Altmannová CESNET Praha, September 19th, 2007

2 Lit fibre service 2 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Author participates on Optical networks activity of CESNET research program, Cross Border Fibre of GN2 and Phosphorus project. Presented ideas do not necessarily reflect an official opinion of the GN2, CESNET or any other institution or project.

3 Lit fibre service 3 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Lit fibre service is not used frequently now l For example, Lit fibre service was asked as one of possible types in Initial procurement for GN2 project: „Tenderers are expected to provide, manage and maintain all the necessary dark fibre and associated transmission equipment (i.e. all in-line and end- terminal equipment) for some number of wavelengths“, see Deliver&LANGUAGE=en&DOCID=213278-2003 Deliver&LANGUAGE=en&DOCID=213278-2003 l No such service was used for GN2 and is not asked in re- procurement now. l Situation is different if REN uses open photonics lighting (like CESNET) l Open photonics lighting was suggested also as one alternative for Porta Optica Study beneficiary countries. l Lit fibre service is potentially interesting for all RENs.

4 Lit fibre service 4 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Porta Optica Study (POS) Distributed Optical Gateway to Eastern Europe (Feb 06 – Jul 07) l FP6 IST program type SSA (Special Support Action) l Beneficiary countries (represented by NREN or CEEnet): Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Ukraine l Supporting partners were CESNET (Czech Republic), GRNET (Greece) and PSNC (project leader, Poland) l Deliverables are available on

5 Lit fibre service 5 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Main POS results concerning dark fibres l Proposals are based on user requirements and on fibre owners and fibre constructors offers l Dark fibre connections proposed for acquirement by NREN in 1-5 years are dotted l Supposed contracting methods are Leasing, Buying, IRU, Co-ownership l Real deployments depend mainly on national funding of NRENs l CBFs are highly requested by NRENs

6 Lit fibre service 6 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Dark fibres for RENs in Europe

7 Lit fibre service 7 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Annual fibre costs for RENs l Annualized cost of fibre acquiring – the biggest part of NREN budget l Usual values are between 0.1 and 1 E/m/y l Initial assumptions in some POS countries:  Armenia 0.38 – 0.40 E/m/yconstructed  Estonia0.53E-0.88 E/m/ylease  Latvia1.32 or 6.0 E/m/ylease or purchase  Lithuania0.31-0.70 or 0.22 E/m/ylease or purchase  Moldova0.74-0.80 or 0.29 E/m/ylease or construction  Ukraine0.29-0.31 or 0.28 E/m/ylease or construction l CESNET examples:  0.1 – 0.5 E/m/y – pair of fibres (fibre lengths from 30 km to 323 km)  0.3E/m/y – one fibre (fibre lengths from 34 km to 126 km)

8 Lit fibre service 8 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Why lit fibre service – Motivation l Extended deployment of new photonics devices prepared by CESNET – technology transfer to telco providers l Some NRENs has no staff experienced in optics and electronics l Service buying instead of investment (OPEX instead of CAPEX) l Full fibre capacity dedicated for NREN! (no return to traditional telco services) l Costs of adding lambdas (or other extensions) should be part of contract l New service type development by provider l Obtain and evaluate experience

9 Lit fibre service 9 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Used procedure l Initial analysis of feasibility in CESNET l Discussion about feasibility with 5 dark fibre providers l Selected 4 lines previously leased as dark fibre from 2 providers l Call for upgrade of leased fibre service to lit fibre service for relevant DF line providers l NDA l Negotiation about project and contract with one provider per line

10 Lit fibre service 10 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 DWDM operational in 2007 and plans

11 Lit fibre service 11 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Used procedure cont. l Project of fibre lighting  Project can be prepared by NREN staff or by independent company  Informal project examples for similar lines are available in Networking Studies 2007 (Selected technical reports on Václav Novák, Josef Vojtěch : Deployment of a DWDM System with optical Amplifiers in the CESNET2 Network l Contracts in CESNET  Project of fibre lighting is part of contract  Upgrade of current leased fibres  Service and maintenance  By equipment proposed by CESNET experts  Equipment isn't CESNETs property

12 Lit fibre service 12 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 RESULTS l Enough time for project preparing and negotiation is necessary l Different lighting was used: 2 lines with CLAs and 2 lines with CISCO amplifiers l Main equipment: - Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP amplifiers - CLA PB01, Fibre Bragg gratings l After implementation and testing, 4 upgraded lines are running without problems from April and June 2007 l Projects were successful and can be repeated

13 Lit fibre service 13 CEF Networks Workshop 2007 Acknowledgement l CESNET colleagues, especially Jan Gruntorád, Václav Novák, Josef Vojtěch and Stanislav Šíma

14 Thank you for your attention

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