Student Planner April 23, 2015 Place this in the proper place All make up work is due May 1 Astronomy unit test is coming. Review notes You need planner,

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Presentation on theme: "Student Planner April 23, 2015 Place this in the proper place All make up work is due May 1 Astronomy unit test is coming. Review notes You need planner,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Planner April 23, 2015 Place this in the proper place All make up work is due May 1 Astronomy unit test is coming. Review notes You need planner, notes, pen/pencil, rocket

2 Testing Schedule for 8 th Grade Period 19:00-9:31 Testing9-36-11:54 Period 311:59 – 12:30 Period 412:35 - 1:06 Lunch1:06 – 1:36 Period 21:41 – 2:12 Period 52:17 – 2:48 Period 62:53 - 3:24 1

3 2 End Planner Entries

4 Summary: We had a modified opening due to the testing schedule. We completed construction of the Stomp Rocket Lab.

5 Summary period 2: We had a modified opening due to the testing schedule. We took notes on Pluto, started watching video on Why Pluto is no longer a Planet.

6 Answer the last class’s EQ which was: Essential Question: What causes the power (push) for the rockets?

7 Answer the last class’s EQ which was: Period 2 Essential Question:

8 Topic/Objective: Name: Stomp Rocket Lab Class/Period: Date: April 23, 2015 Essential Question: What was the distance of my rocket?

9 Topic/Objective: Name: Class/Period: Period 2 – Pluto and beyond Date: April 23, 2015 Essential Question: Before Pluto, scientists identified many other “planets” closer to Earth then decided to call them WHAT?

10 Warm Up

11 Earth’s spinning on its axis is called its: a) revolution b) rotation c) orbit d) cycle

12 2. Which of the following events occurs once every 24 hours? a) Earth revolves around the Sun b) The moon revolves around the Earth c) The moon rotates on its axis d) Earth rotates on its axis

13 3. Which of the following planets is a gas planet? a)Mercury b) Mars c)Earth d) Jupiter

14 4. Which of the following planets is a rocky planet? a) Saturn b) Neptune c) Uranus d) Mars

15 Answers

16 Earth’s spinning on its axis is called its: a) revolution b) rotation c) orbit d) cycle


18 2. Which of the following events occurs once every 24 hours? a) Earth revolves around the Sun b) The moon revolves around the Earth c) The moon rotates on its axis d) Earth rotates on its axis


20 3. Which of the following planets is a gas planet? a)Mercury b) Mars c)Earth d) Jupiter

21 3. Which of the following planets is a gas planet? a)Mercury b) Mars c)Earth d) Jupiter

22 4. Which of the following planets is a rocky planet? a) Saturn b) Neptune c) Uranus d) Mars


24 Today’s Homework Astronomy unit test is coming. Review notes. Get make up work in by May 1.

25 Today’s Class No Safety Test? NO rocket launch! Come in before school, after school or lunch. Develop data collection sheet, and record instructions (in notes). Launch Rockets

26 Today’s Class – Period 2 Video – Why is Pluto no longer a Planet? Oort Cloud Planets in other solar systems Notes

27 Mental Notes There is no making up work after May 29, end of triad. (28 class days). Make up triad 5 work by May 1 for credit.

28 Rocket Launch For Safety test passers only: place rocket on inflated bottle launcher, inserting the drip hose about 6 cm into the barrel. Hold hose in a 45 0 angel to the ground. Stomp on the middle of the bottle. NOTE! DO NOT STOMP ON THE BOTTLE ENDS. Allow the rocket to rest on the ground. Record the data. Longest distance wins.

29 DATA Collection Sheet Rocket shapeDistance Rank Long 3 fin______ Long 4 fin______ Med 3 fin______ Med 4 fin______ Short 3 fin______ Short 4 fin______ Rank – Farthest = 1, shortest = 6

30 Period 2 Other planets – Planets outside our solar system are called extrasolar planets. First found in 1995 Over 1900 have now been identified

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