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TPEP Roundtable February 24, 2014. Slide/Handouts evaluation-project/

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Presentation on theme: "TPEP Roundtable February 24, 2014. Slide/Handouts evaluation-project/"— Presentation transcript:

1 TPEP Roundtable February 24, 2014

2 Slide/Handouts evaluation-project/

3 Agenda  Framing our Work Together  Introductions – Successes and Challenges  Reading  Mid Year Goal Setting Conferences  Sharing Student Growth Goals  Updates  Exit Ticket

4 Our Purpose  Build knowledge  Use skills  Network, share and gather ideas  Reflect on practice and next steps  Provide updates

5 Introductions  Name  District  Data management system for this year  Plan for next year  Strength of current data management system  Challenge of data management system

6 Learning Together  Take 5 minutes to read the blog post by Daniel Willingham  Identify the most significant idea  2014/01/the-classroom-walkthrough-and- student-achievement.html 2014/01/the-classroom-walkthrough-and- student-achievement.html

7 Save the Last Word Protocol  Work in trios  One person reads significant idea to rest of group with no other commentary  Other group members takes up to 1 min to respond to the passage  First person tells why he/she selected passage and responds to group comments (3 min)  Repeat steps until everyone has a chance to share passage and hear responses.

8 Future TPEP Roundtable Meeting Dates for 2013-14  May 16, 9:00 – 11:30 at PSESD

9 Spread the Word…  Tweet Up (new Twitter Users)  Learn how to use Twitter for professional development and discuss Common Core and TPEP  Saturday, May 17, 9-noon at PSESD  Spread the word to teachers in your districts  Free!  Clock Hours available

10 Break  15 minute break and informal networking

11 Mid year goal check in   Compare and contrast these two videos

12 Partner Share  How could these tools be used in your district?  How are you supporting principals in leading mid-year check ins?

13 Student Growth Goals  What do you notice about the goals you brought?  What do you wonder about?  Record and be prepared to share

14 Student Growth Wiki 

15 Survey Results

16 Common Theme  Need sample goals  Variety of content areas  Exemplar goals

17 OSPI Updates  Jeanne Harmon  Teacher Training iGrant  Questions

18 Plus/Delta  Please record plusses and deltas on sticky notes  Post on chart paper Thank you for coming!

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