WEATHERING GEOLOGY NOTES Chapter 5 WEATHERING 4 Breakdown of rock due to weather 4 no visible motion.

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3 WEATHERING 4 Breakdown of rock due to weather 4 no visible motion

4 MECHANICAL (PHYSICAL) WEATHERING 4 Disintegration 4 Breaks into small pieces 4 NO visible motion

5 MECHANICAL WEATHERING 4 Ice (frost wedging) –water expands when freezes –angular pieces



8 MECHANICAL WEATHERING 4 Sheeting(exfoliation) –pressure is removed from above –Fractures “peel” off


10 Half-dome

11 MECHANICAL WEATHERING 4 Other types –burrowing animals –Plant roots –Mud cracks

12 Mudcracks 4 When water evaporates- mud shrinks

13 CHEMICAL WEATHERING 4 Decomposition 4 chemical change takes place


15 CHEMICAL WEATHERING 4 Hydrolysis 4 reacts with acid/water to form clays 4 feldspar + carbonic acid + water clay + soluble minerals 4 common in granite

16 CHEMICAL WEATHERING 4 DISSOLUTION ANY CARBONATE + CARBONIC ACID CALCIUM CARBONATE (soluble) –common in limestone –creates caves and sinkholes

17 Parthenon, Greece

18 sinkholes

19 Sinkhole formation

20 Areas prone to sinkholes



23 4 Marble statue Dissolution

24 CHEMICAL WEATHERING 4 OXIDATION –reacts with O 2 – Groundwater with Fe is powerful agent –minerals with high Fe content hematite, limonite, olivine intense in tropical climates

25 Oxidation of basalt

26 Pictured Rocks, MI

27 PLANES OF WEAKNESS 4 WHERE ROCKS WILL BREAK –Joints- vertical fractures –bedding planes- horizontal fractures –Granular disintegration- cement in clastic rocks breaks down

28 joints


30 Granular disintegration

31 ROCK TYPES 4G4Granite - exfoliation, hydrolysis (k-spar to clay) –q–quartz doesn’t weather 4B4Basalt- chemical (oxidation) 4S4Sandstone- granular disintegration 4l4limestone- dissolution 4s4shale- breaks down into clay

32 Sandstone tombstone


34 Granite

35 Which rocks weather most rapidly? 4 sedimentary

36 Which rocks are most resistant to weathering? 4 Igneous / metamorphic (exception?) 4 Bowen’s reaction series –Olivine most


38 Differential weathering 4 Different rock types weather differently 4 OR 4 Different rates of weathering due to exposure

39 Stairway to heaven, CO

40 Bryce Canyon, UT


42 arches

43 Differential erosion limestone shale

44 Hoo-doos

45 CLIMATE AND WEATHERING 4 Chemical- warm and moist 4 Physical- freeze/thaw cycle

46 CLIMATE 4 TROPICAL –Strong chemical 4 DESERT –Slight mechanical 4 POLAR –Slight mechanical 4 MID LATITUDE (MI) –Strong chemical and mechanical

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