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Good Morning We hope you had a restful weekend.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning We hope you had a restful weekend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning We hope you had a restful weekend.
Please unpack quietly. Sign in at the graffiti board-only 2 at a time. Please write the definition of the math term that is on your desk and illustrate it.

2 Good Morning. It is a pleasure to see you this morning. Please
unpack and complete the activity on your desk.

3 Good morning. Please unpack. Please write a
note to us explaining if you feel that you are meeting your SMART goal. Let us know if there is anything else that you need to meet your goal. Explain (with evidence) if you feel you are or aren’t meeting your goal. If you aren’t meeting the goal, explain why so we can help you. Thank you.

4 Good morning. This morning's writing prompt asks you to use your imagination. Imagine you are the star of your own TV show! What would the show be about? Describe why you chose the show? Who are the characters? What time would it be on? What is the show about?

5 Good Morning. Happy Friday.
We will be starting a new unit in science astronomy and space. Please draw a picture of what you think an astronaut looks like. Make sure you label your picture and write a brief explanation about it.

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