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Sugarscape Andy Menke. Agent Based Modeling Simple agents = complex behavior Boids.

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Presentation on theme: "Sugarscape Andy Menke. Agent Based Modeling Simple agents = complex behavior Boids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sugarscape Andy Menke

2 Agent Based Modeling Simple agents = complex behavior Boids

3 Sugarscape Simulates human culture and society Agents need to collect sugar to survive Only traits (at first) – vision and metabolism The empty scape

4 My Program’s Structure Driver – GUI classes ScapeG Scape Location Agent/Breeder

5 GUI classes ScapeGUI: buttons for main control GensPanel: information, speed control Both contain instances of ScapeG

6 ScapeG Controls all aspects of graphics for my program Interfaces between GUI classes and other parts Contains instance of Scape class; tells it when to update

7 Scape Main components: 2-d array of Locations, ArrayList of Breeders (Agents)‏ Handles updating the scape

8 Location Represents a single location in the scape Has a value of sugar and one (or zero) Agent instances Has various helper methods

9 Breeder Represents a single agent (that can breed)‏ Stores various traits, and has the methods that are needed to breed/eat/find the best space to go to

10 First Quarter Basic framework Scape file (2500 numbers...)‏ Basic display capabilities

11 Second Quarter Agents (A really big deal)‏ Solved issue with agents going to right side Graphical user interface First rules

12 Third Quarter Agent Breeding Agents have a set age at which they die. Agents have a gender and age range during which they can breed. Agents breed every turn that they are next to an agent of the opposite gender that can breed The agent just born gets half of each parent’s money

13 Fourth Quarter Improved GUI Speed changing Bug fixing

14 Next Steps Graphing of trends with JFreeChart Creation of API/documentation Release under the GPL?

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