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I am an artist and my passion is education! I am a performer and my stage is the classroom. I am a musician and my instrument is my heart. I am a writer.

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Presentation on theme: "I am an artist and my passion is education! I am a performer and my stage is the classroom. I am a musician and my instrument is my heart. I am a writer."— Presentation transcript:


2 I am an artist and my passion is education! I am a performer and my stage is the classroom. I am a musician and my instrument is my heart. I am a writer and my story is my experience. I am a unique individual and my calling is teaching!

3  “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.” William Shakespeare

4  Elementary School  Middle School  High School  College  Field Experience  Internship  Your Own Classroom

5  Learn why you took those education classes.  Learn that you have not been taught everything.  Learn to ask for help.  Learn it is okay to stumble.  Learn that you might have to think of a new way to do something.

6  Help you be a better teacher.  Help you learn how to plan using the correct data.  Help you know you are not alone.  Help you to understand a little more of the “real world.”

7  Please remember that your Internship is designed to be a partnership between you, your mentor teacher, your Winthrop Supervisor and your 490 Instructor.  Let’s make it a successful one by keeping the lines of communication open and honest!

8  To ask for help  To motivate others  To Share what you know  To Share what you are learning  To Try something new

9  It is all about the children/students you will be teaching.

10 House Keeping – paperwork Wordle - Introductions Class discussions Syllabus Class schedule IWS Journaling and Professionalism

11 House Keeping – paperwork Wordle - Introductions Class discussions Syllabus Class schedule IWS Journaling and Professionalism

12  Write your name and Major on a Table Tent….First Name (you go by) and Last Initial. You may decorate it later.  After you write your name, Write your answers to the questions on the colored sheets of paper. When instructed, you will go to the computer and type something into the list…  Complete the Data on the inside of your table tent. PE majors - you will have to fill in information for both of your internships.

13 Introductions Class discussions Syllabus Class schedule IWS Journaling and Professionalism

14  Think – Pair – Share  Wordle  Introduce yourself…. › Name, Major, Hometown, School where you are doing your internship, One thing a teacher should never say and one trait you possess that will make you a great teacher.

15 Class discussions Syllabus Class schedule IWS Journaling and Professionalism

16  Orderly  Honest  Confidential  Helpful  Everyone Participates  ……

17 Syllabus Class schedule IWS Journaling and Professionalism

18  htm htm

19 Class schedule IWS Journaling and Professionalism

20  htm htm

21 IWS Journaling and Professionalism

22  tm tm

23 Journaling and Professionalism

24  Professionalism Contract…what is expected of you.  During your Internship you will experience many different emotions; the first of which will most likely be that of ANTICIPATION. Your first journal writing should be written about what you Anticipate about your internship, how that makes you feel, and how can you grow from ANTICIPATION.

25  Interest Inventory - You should inventory your students and ask them many questions…..  Read the Article – Reflection is the Heart of Practice.  Print the latest copy of your school’s report card.  Read over Dimension #1 and the Rubric and bring questions, concerns, etc.



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