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George Washingtons Socks Vocabulary Ch. 1-7. Vocabulary in George Washingtons Socks Ch. 1-7 BayonetContraption ExhilarationFormidable MusketsRescue SmirkSurvival.

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Presentation on theme: "George Washingtons Socks Vocabulary Ch. 1-7. Vocabulary in George Washingtons Socks Ch. 1-7 BayonetContraption ExhilarationFormidable MusketsRescue SmirkSurvival."— Presentation transcript:

1 George Washingtons Socks Vocabulary Ch. 1-7

2 Vocabulary in George Washingtons Socks Ch. 1-7 BayonetContraption ExhilarationFormidable MusketsRescue SmirkSurvival Turncoats

3 What is another word for somebody who abandons or betrays a group or cause and joins its opponents?

4 Turncoats

5 What is another word for a blade that can be attached to the end of a rifle and used for stabbing?

6 Bayonet

7 What is another word for an insolent smile expressing feelings such as superiority, self-satisfaction, or conceit?

8 Smirk

9 What is another word for saving somebody or something from a dangerous or harmful situation?

10 Rescue

11 What is another word for shoulder guns with a long barrel and a smooth bore, used between the 16 th and 18 th centuries?

12 Muskets

13 What is another word for a device or machine, especially one that appears strange or improvised?

14 Contraption

15 What is another word for staying alive?

16 Survival

17 What is another word for making somebody feel happy, excited, and more than usually vigorous and alive?

18 Exhilaration

19 What is another word for difficult to deal with or overcome?

20 Formidable

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