The INFN Open Access Repository R. Barbera – University of Catania and INFN e-AGE 2014 - Muscat (Oman) – 10-11 December 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "The INFN Open Access Repository R. Barbera – University of Catania and INFN e-AGE 2014 - Muscat (Oman) – 10-11 December 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 The INFN Open Access Repository R. Barbera – University of Catania and INFN ( e-AGE 2014 - Muscat (Oman) – 10-11 December 2014

2 List of authors of this work 2  R.B.  Stefano Bianco – INFN, Frascati National Laboratories  Tommaso Boccali - INFN, Division of Pisa  Riccardo Bruno - INFN, Division of Catania  Carla Carrubba - INFN, Division of Catania  Giuseppina Inserra - INFN, Division of Catania  Marcello Maggi - INFN, Division of Bari  Dario Menasce - INFN, Division of Milano Bicocca  Rita Ricceri - INFN, Division of Catania e-AGE 2014

3 Outline  Introduction and driving considerations  e-Science  o-Science  Science 2.0  Outcomes of the CHAIN-REDS Project  The Knowledge Base and the DART Challenge  The INFN Open Access Repository  Summary and conclusions 3 e-AGE 2014

4 Evolution of distributed computing 4 Time Mainframe Computing 80’s-90’s Cluster Computing 90’s-00’s Grid Computing 00’s-10’s Cloud Computing Cost of hw Cost of networks Power of COTS WAN bandwidth

5 e-Science e-AGE 2014 5 Applications Data Instruments/sensors e-Infrastructure Virtual Research Communities

6 o-Science (Open Science) 6

7 The “re” commandments of the Research Cycle e-AGE 2014 7

8 Science 2.0 ( ) 8 e-AGE 2014

9 The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base ( 9 >600 repos PB’s of data >2,650 repos >30 M docs

10 The CHAIN-REDS DART Challenge (Data sharing across continents) 10 Data Accessibility, Reproducibility, and Trustworthiness (DART)

11 The INFN Open Access Repository ( 11 CHAIN-REDS second periodic review, Brussels 11 papers data federated authentication Automatic ingestion in place from:

12 Alternative reputation systems: possibility to add researcher ID’s e-AGE 2014 12

13 13 Alternative reputation systems: showing researcher ID’s

14 Examples of document and data resources e-AGE 2014 14 Data stored on:

15 Example of software resources: the ALEPH Virtual Research Environment e-AGE 2014 15

16 Resource upload and DOI registration e-AGE 2014 16 is a registered domain of:

17 Visibility and compliance e-AGE 2014 17  The Open Access Repository is:  Included in the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge BaseCHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base  Fully conforming with Open Archives Initiative standardsOpen Archives Initiative  An OpenDOAR data providerOpenDOAR  Compliant with version 3.0 of OpenAIRE guidelinesOpenAIRE guidelines

18 Visibility (integrated in the Knowledge Base) e-AGE 2014 18

19 Visibility and compliance (fully conforming with OAI) e-AGE 2014 19

20 Visibility and compliance (registered as an OpenDOAR data provider) 20 e-AGE 2014

21 21 Visibility and compliance (compliant with OpenAIRE guidelines) Guidelines 3.0

22 The OAR Knowledge Workflow (based on the DART Challenge) 22

23 The OAR Knowledge Workflow: data search & discovery 23

24 e-AGE 2014 24 The OAR Knowledge Workflow: data inspection

25 e-AGE 2014 25 The OAR Knowledge Workflow: data analysis (1/2)

26 e-AGE 2014 26 The OAR Knowledge Workflow: data analysis (2/2) Data are retrieved from Jobs run on Clouds and

27 Executable e-Infrastructure (1/2) e-AGE 2014 27  How ASREN and Arab countries can benefit of all this ?  We have adopted a “DevOps” philosophy  People have different roles : Reduce the needed know-how; limit the need to know what you want to deploy  Everything = code : Produce code which not only represents the infrastructure, but also “executes” it  Everything = open : Produce code in an open, collaborative way ; discuss and develop in the same open forum (e.g.,  Try before you buy : All code is tested on a development infrastructure, before being merged into the master branch

28 Executable e-Infrastructure (2/2) 28  Tool of the trade: Ansible (  Widely-used ICT infrastructure automation tool, adopted to ensure that infrastructure and user services are “executable”  Produce models of services, rather than instructions for experts – much easier to understand and adapt  So…what can we do ?  We can represent entire suites of services, credentials, roles, etc. in version-controlled code and we can execute them, even remotely if necessary  We have automated procedures in place for Identity Providers, for Science Gateways and soon for clones of the INFN Open Access Repository  We can then contribute to the spread of Open Knowledge and Open Science paradigms in the Arab region

29 Summary and conclusions 29  Science 2.0 vision can be implemented only if the “openness” paradigm becomes pervasive in research  Science outputs’ reproducibility and extensibility are key to walk through the Research Cycle in both directions  CHAIN-REDS has heavily contributed to e-Infrastructure harmonisation and has effectively promoted easy data discovery, access, enrichment and sharing; the DART Challenge demonstrates all that  The Open Access Repository is a pilot data preservation repository of science products meant to serve both researchers and citizen scientists; what makes OAR different from other repositories is its capability to connect to Science Gateways and exploit cloud resources worldwide to easily reproduce/extend scientific analyses  If interest arises, the Open Access Repository can be very easily deployed in an automatic way both at ASREN and in the Arab countries

30 Acknowledgments 30  Sunje Dallmeier-Tiessen (CERN)  Giuseppe Fiameni (Cineca)  Paola Gargiulo (Cineca)  Maurizio Lancia (CNR)  Giacomo Mariani (Cineca)  Salvatore Mele (CERN)  Laura Rueda (CERN)  Massimiliano Saccone (CNR)  Alberto Salvati (CNR)  Tim Smith and Tibor Simko, on behalf of the whole INVENIO Team at CERN  Heinrich Widmann (DKRZ)  Wojciech Ziółek (CERN)  The CHAIN-REDS Project e-AGE 2014

31 Thank you ! e-AGE 2014 31

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