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Published byLouisa Houston Modified over 9 years ago
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 1 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne In Gas-Jet Isomer Selective Laser Ion Source Nathalie Lecesne GANIL For the LISOL and REGLIS3 collaboration
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 2 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne The nuclear physicist playground ~ 7000 bound nuclei between 2<Z<120 >3000 experimentally observed TargetIon source ISOL Isotope Separator On Line Target Spectrometer In flight TargetGas cell IGLIS In Gas Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 3 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦Resonant Ionisation Laser Ion Source Excited states Ionization Potential E1E1 Energy 0 eV E0E0 Ion + E2E2 E IP RILIS: from radioactive ions production … Chemical selectivity Isobaric contamination Universal >80% of chemical elements Tunable laser system Saturation Short pulsed laser (5-50ns with ~ 0.1-10mJ/pulse)
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 4 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦Hyperfine structure: coupling of nucleus with electronic orbital Excited states Ionization Potential E1E1 Energy 0 eV E0E0 Ion + E2E2 E IP …To nuclear properties via laser spectroscopy
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 5 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne Sizes Spins Q s μ Model Independent (measured) 20 μ eV Isotope shift Isomer shift Hyperfine Splitting Model Dependent (inferred) Dynamic / static deformations Single / few particle configurations Y+Y+ STABLE MORE NEUTRON RICH Courtesy of I. Moore …To nuclear properties via laser spectroscopy
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 6 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦ IGLIS of RIB’s Developped at KU Leuven since the late 1980’s In-Gas Laser Ionization and spectroscopy Yu. Kudryavtev et al., NIM B 114 (1996) 350 M. Facina et al., NIM B 226 (2004) 401 Kudryavtsev et al., NIMB 267 (2009) Sonoda et al., NIMB 267 (2009) ICIS Brightness AWARD 2013 Yuri Kudryavtsev KU Leuven ICIS Brightness AWARD 2013 Yuri Kudryavtsev KU Leuven tape station / windmill excimer 1 excimer 2 dye reference cell He-Ne λ-meter gas cell CYCLONE 110 cyclotron beam Louvain-La-Neuve SPIG accel. optics dipole magnet collector plates SHG SEM Ionization chamber Laser Hut dye ~ 15 m measuring station: Max. rep.: 200 Hz λ1λ1 λ2λ2 target Argon 200-500 mbar
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 7 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne 227 Ac 226 Ac 225 Ac 215 Ac 214 Ac 213 Ac 212 Ac TRIUMF PhD A. Teigelhoefer In Gas Cell Spectroscopy on Ac Ac X Courtesy of S. Raeder and R. Ferrer Higher resolution needed Actinium isotopes 212-215 Ac HFS splitting measured Low count rate: 214 Ac : 1 pps, 212 Ac : 0.4 pps Resolution of 6 GHz 1% efficiency Pressure shift determined 212-215 Ac 197 Au( 20 Ne-145 MeV,4-5n) 212,213 Ac 197 Au( 22 Ne-143 MeV,4-5n) 214,215 Ac
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 8 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦Pressure Shift and Broadening For 550 mbar Argon, FWHM ~ 6.7GHz For high efficiency: Laser bandwidth matches the pressure broadening Limitations of gas cell 215 Ac Argon Pressure Shift Pressure Broadening
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 9 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦The Doppler broadening Atomic vapour has a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of velocities Limitations of the gas cell Th Pressure broadening Doppler broadening (300 K) 229 Th @ 300K & 300mbar: Doppler broadening (FWHM) ≈ 2GHz Pressure broadening (FWHM)≈ 4 GHz
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 10 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦ From In-Gas Cell ♦ To In Gas Jet Reduction of spectral Bandwidth I. Moore et al., AIP Conf Proc 831 (2006) 511 Yu. Kudryavtsev et al., NIM B 297 (2013) 7 M: Mach number u: stream velocity a: speed of sound
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 11 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦ In gas jet, Pressure , density , temperature Reduction of spectral Bandwidth Yu. Kudryavtsev et al., NIM B 297 (2013) 7 Mach 12, T=6K, ρ = 0.003 ρ 0 For transition 327.4nm in Cu: Doppler FWHM = 200MHz Total Broadening = 420MHz Divergence of the jet 327.4 nm 4s 2 S 1/2 → 4p 2 P 1/2 (Cu) Doppler vs. Mach number
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 12 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦Borrowing ideas from rocket science de Laval nozzle M. Reponen, I.D. Moore, et al., NIMA 635 (2011) 24 15 cm Reduction of jet divergence
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 13 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne On-Line Gas-jet ionization at LISOL Ti:sa λ-meter gas cell CYCLONE 110 cyclotron beam SPIG accel. optics dipole magnet tape station collector plates SEM SHG Nd:YAG Diode Ti:sa ionization volume Rep. rate 10 kHz SHG target Argon 350mbar Changes for on-line in-jet demonstration : High repetition rate Ti:Sa laser system (10 kHz) [Mainz, GANIL] Narrow bandwidth injection locked laser [JYFL] De-Laval Nozzle for shaped gas jet (Mach 5 ) R. Ferrer et al, NIM B 291 (2012) 29 T. Kessler et al, Laser physics 18, 7 (2008) 842 20MHz 5GHz
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 14 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne 215 Ac 214 Ac T ½ = 8.2s T ½ = 0.17s In-gas jet On-Line Gas-jet ionization at LISOL Ti:sa λ-meter gas cell CYCLONE 110 cyclotron beam SPIG accel. optics dipole magnet tape station collector plates SEM SHG Nd:YAG Diode Ti:sa ionization volume Rep. rate 10 kHz SHG target Argon 350mbar 20MHz 5GHz
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 15 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne On-Line Gas-jet ionization at LISOL Ti:sa λ-meter gas cell CYCLONE 110 cyclotron beam SPIG accel. optics dipole magnet tape station collector plates SEM SHG Nd:YAG Diode Ti:sa ionization volume Rep. rate 10 kHz SHG target Argon 350mbar 20MHz 5GHz In-gas jet in gas cell 215 Ac 214 Ac T ½ = 8.2s T ½ = 0.17s hfs triplet in 214 Ac
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 16 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne On-Line Gas-jet ionization at LISOL Ti:sa λ-meter gas cell CYCLONE 110 cyclotron beam SPIG accel. optics dipole magnet tape station collector plates SEM SHG Nd:YAG Diode Ti:sa ionization volume Rep. rate 10 kHz SHG target Argon 350mbar 20MHz 5GHz In-gas jet in gas cell 215 Ac 214 Ac T ½ = 8.2s T ½ = 0.17s hfs triplet in 214 Ac Resolution ~ 5e-7 FWHM < 400MHz (laser power, jet T and divergence) Selectivity ~ 200 Efficiency ~ 0.5% Room for improvement Better laser/jet time overlap (laser beam size => 1/10 atoms) Better de Laval Nozzle
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 17 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne Off-Line Optimization in HELIOS @ KU Leuven Geometric efficiency ~4 x 10 -4 578.37 nm 3d 9 4p 2 P ° 1/2 30535.302 cm -1 Cu 3d 10 4s 2 S 1/2 0.000 cm -1 3d 9 4s 2 2 D 3/2 13245.423 cm -1 327.49 nm = 7.2 ns 1.2% branch 1 mm 55 mm Solid angle 0.39% Laser sheet CCD Camera Lens Narrow bandwidth laser beam Not to scale Filter Gas cell Inlet: Homogeneous flow Entrance window: Accept full beam De Laval nozzle: Uniform quasi-parallel supersonic jet Visualization of the gas jet (PLIF) Planar Laser Induced Fluoresecence Local temp, density, velocity, jet divergence
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 18 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne S 3 @ SPIRAL2 R. Ferrer · LAP 2015, East Lansing, July 7-11, 2015 IGLIS set up @ S3 (SPIRAL2-GANIL) Wide range (H to U) of primary beams at high intensity High primary beam rejection and high acceptance spectrometer
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 19 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne S 3 @ SPIRAL2 R. Ferrer · LAP 2015, East Lansing, July 7-11, 2015 IGLIS set up @ S3 (SPIRAL2-GANIL) Wide range (H to U) of primary beams at high intensity High primary beam rejection and high acceptance spectrometer
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 20 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦ Rare Elements in-Gas Laser Ion Source and Spectroscopy (REGLIS) REGLIS 3 @ SPIRAL2 R. Ferrer et al., NIM B 317 (2013) 570 R. Ferrer · LAP 2015, East Lansing, July 7-11, 2015 (Gas cell) (RFQs) (Gas cell, laser system) (mr-TOF-ms, laser system infractructure, safety, RFQs detectors) REGLIS3 @ SPIRAL2 1,2 2 towards DESIR in-gas-cell ionization EVRs Neutralized EVRs Photoions in-gas-jet ionization gas cell S-shape RFQ diff. pumping RFQ QMF (m/ m ~ 100) buncher MR ToF MS (m/ m ~ 10 5 ) MCP bender 10 -2 mbar10 -3 - 2.10 -5 mbar10 -8 mbar 200 - 500 mbar Ar from S 3 Two laser systems: Solid states TiSa laser (GANIL, JYU, JGU) Dye laser sytem (KU Leuven)
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 21 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne REGLIS 3 @ SPIRAL2 94 Ag High-spin isomerism (J=21 + ) -delayed p, 1p-, and 2-p!? emission 107-101 Sn Test validity of shell-model predictions Single particle character and level of collectivity VHE ( Z ~ 89 - 102 ) Nuclear properties: deformation, shape coexistence Atomic properties: transition energies and strengths, ionization potentials 80 Zr Shape coexistence and single- particle behavior RIBs @ REGLIS
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 22 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦In-gas laser spectroscopy on neutron deficient Ac isotopes ♦In-gas jet laser ionization spectroscopy proven Good efficiency (~ 5% duty factor corrected) Good spectral resolution ♦Off line characterization and optimization of the jet HELIOS lab in KU Leuven ♦Future application at REGLIS3 / SPIRAL2 Precision laser spectroscopy measurements of neutron deficient isotopes produced and pre-selected by S 3 High purity isomeric beams production Conclusion and outlook
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 23 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne JYFL University of Jyväskylä: I. Moore, V. Sonnenschein GANIL- IPN Orsay – LPC Caen: B. Bastin, D. Boilley, Ph. Dambre, P. Delahaye, P. Duchesne, X. Fléchard, S. Franchoo, L. Hijazi, N. Lecesne, R. Leroy, H. Lu, F. Lutton, Y. Merrer, B. Osmond, J. Piot, O. Pochon, H. Savajols, J. C. Thomas, E. Traykov RILIS-ISOLDE: S. Rothe TRIUMF: J. Lassen, A. Teigelhöfer University of Mainz: R. Heinke, T. Kron, P. Naubereit, P. Schönberg, K. Wendt Acknowledgments AND THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR ATTENTION GSI: M. Block, M. Laatiaoui, S. Raeder KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Belgium P. Creemers, R. Ferrer, L.P. Gaffney, L. Ghys, C. Granados, M. Huyse, Yu. Kudryavtsev, Y. Martínez, E. Mogilevskiy, S. Raeder, S. Sels, P. Van den Bergh, P. Van Duppen, A. Zadvornaya Collaboration
front-end vacuum chamber - gas cell - RFQ ion guides pumping system beam diagnostics dipole magnet measurin g station beam optics HELIOS Project @ KU Leuven Investigate jet properties with CD nozzle Optimize gas cell design Test new laser system Poster #38 Yu. Kudryavtsev
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 25 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne In gas cell and In gas jet ionization
Production & First Spectroscopy of Ac 212-215 Ac K. Blaum, J. Dilling, W. Noerterhaeurser Phys. Scr. T152 (2013) 014017 total ~1 % I.P. 43394.45 cm -1 2 D 3/2 4 P 5/2 418.312 nm 439.21 nm g.s. continuum 23898.86 cm -1 46660.6 cm -1 J. Rossnagel et al., PRA 85 (2012) 012525 197 Au( 20 Ne-145 MeV,4-5n) 212,213 Ac 197 Au( 22 Ne-143 MeV,4-5n) 214,215 Ac X 2 D 3/2 4 P 3/2 5/2 438.58 nm 434.7 nm g.s. continuum 22801.1cm -1 -1 I.P. 43394.45 cm -1 R. Ferrer · LAP 2015, East Lansing, July 7-11, 2015
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 27 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne Off-Line Free jet ionization at LISOL Ti:sa λ-meter gas cell RFQ filament accel. optics dipole magnet tape station collector plates SEM SHG Nd:YAG Diode Ti:sa ionization volume Dye Excimer Rep. rate 200 Hz Gas cell 90° bent RFQ LASER 2 LASER 1 Shaped rod segments Towards extraction RFQ Narrow band width laser (88MHz) Doppler shift 1830(30)MHz Doppler FWHM = 450MHz Divergence of the jet Yu. Kudryavtsev et al., NIM B 297 (2013) 7 Argon 200 mbar Ref. Cell
Free jet laser ionization at JYFL 63 Cu V jet ~1040 m/s FWHM = 3.9 GHz FWHM = 6.7 GHz FWHM = 1.8 GHz Laser linewidth dominated He, 180 mbar I.D. Moore et al., NIMB 317 (2013) 208 I.D. Moore, Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators, Sept. – Oct. 2014
Observed spectral widths jet T and jet divergence, and laser power Reduction energy up to 80 nJ singlet FWHM~300 MHz, mainly Gaussian contribution In-Gas-Jet Spectroscopy of 214,215 Ac Doppler Broadening (MHz)Velocity (m/s) y (mm) X (mm) y (mm) Improve temporal overlap to increase efficiency 1/10 to 10/10 Design of a better nozzle and characterization of gas jets Jet visualization by PLIF In-jet spectroscopy results in: 25-fold improvement in uncertainties of istope shifts and magnetic hf param. A access to quadrupole moments as well hfs triplet in 214 Ac R. Ferrer · LAP 2015, East Lansing, July 7-11, 2015
Broadening of atomic transitions (I) Power broadening For RIB production we want optimum efficiency For spectroscopy we trade efficiency for spectroscopic resolution I.D. Moore, Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators, Sept. – Oct. 2014 Natural linewidth: 135 MHz V. Sonnenschein, I.D. Moore et al., EPJA 48 (2012) 52
N=50 92 Mo( 14 N – 130 MeV,2pxn) 104−x Ag 64,nat Zn( 36 Ar – 125 MeV,pxn) 101−x Ag In-Gas-Cell Laser Spectroscopy of Ag count rates: 101 Ag=2.3 pps, 97 Ag=0.9 pps total ~2 % R. Ferrer · PALIS Workshop: Spring 2014
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 32 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne Dye lasers vs TiSa lasers Dye lasers : 200 – 850nm TiSa lasers: 200 – 500n & 700 – 1000nm Solid State Cr:Fosterite lasersFundamental = 1150 – 1350 nm (U. Mainz, TRIUMF)Doubled = 575 – 675 nm
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 33 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne Reaction products (neutral) Ions Primary beam Target material Ion source Extractor Target 60 kV Towards mass separator Laser Ionization chamber Laser Ionization chamber Laser Ionization chamber Laser beams Transverse SPIG Ar/He from gas purifier Ion Collector Ionization chamber Filament Beam from Cyclotron Ion collector 500 mbar Target Exit hole Ø 0.5 – 1 mm Laser beams Longitudinal Kudryavtsev et al., NIMB 267 (2009) Sonoda et al., NIMB 267 (2009) Hot cavityIn Gas cellIn Gas jet Typical residence time10µs25 - 100ms10µs Laser system frequency10kHz200Hz10kHz Doppler broadening @ 2500K / Pressure Broadening ~5 GHz~6 GHz~200 MHz Residence time of atoms to compensate duty cycle
ICIS 2015, August 23 th -28 th, 2015, New York 34 In gas-jet isomer selective laser ion source Nathalie Lecesne ♦Pressure Shift and Broadening br =32(4) MHz/mbar sh = -4.0(0.3) MHz/mbar Large pressure broadening coefficient for λ 1 Not possible Hyperfine Structure measurements (FWHM~15GHz) br =210(25) MHz/mbar sh = 150(10) MHz/mbar R. Ferrer et al., NIMB 317 (2013) 570 Limitations of gas cell Sn
Fast piezo mirror Fast-switched photodiode amplifier Ti:sapphire crystal d = n λ cw Lock-in Amplifier (TEM Laselock) PSD HV out Input: CW seed laser 1-100 mW Matisse TS Ti:sa (100 kHz linewidth) Output pulsed (10 kHz), 30 ns width 3-5 W average power 20 MHz linewidth (reduction factor of 200!!) pump laser 10-20 W, 10 kHz Development of suitable laser technology for gas-jet spectroscopy V. Sonnenschein, PhD thesis, University of Jyväskylä (2015) I.D. Moore, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Rabida 15, June 1-5, 2015
Proof of principal: spectroscopy on Cu F L =2 F U =1 F U =2 F L =1 12 GHz 7 GHz Injection-locked Ti:sa laser (linewidth 20 MHz) FWHM = 65 MHz FWHM = 2.0 GHz ”Standard” Ti:sa laser (linewidth 1GHz) V. Sonnenschein, I.M. et al., Hyp. Int. 227 (2014) 113 I.D. Moore, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Rabida 15, June 1-5, 2015 Cu is a lighter mass element which exhibits a large HFS. This allowed characterization of the new laser on 63,65 Cu in crossed beams RIS.
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