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Ecology One. Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Population Community Organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology One. Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Population Community Organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology One

2 Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Population Community Organism

3 Organization of the biosphere Biosphere- portion of the Earth that supports life

4 Large region with same plant life and climate Biome

5 Levels of Organization in the Biosphere Hc3Ao&NR=1 Hc3Ao&NR=1

6 Population growth curves Exponential (J curve)- ideal conditions Logistic (S curve)- reaches carrying capacity Carrying capacity- population levels off

7 Limiting Factors environmental factors that affect an organism’s ability to survive Two types – Density-dependent – Density-independent

8 Limiting Factors Density-dependent factors has increasing effect as the population increases Depends on how large the population is Examples: Food & Water supply Predators Parasitism Disease Shelter & Space

9 Limiting Factors Density-independent factors- affects all populations regardless of density Most abiotic factors earthquake storm temperature flood fire

10 Relationships in the community Predator-Prey Relationships- As predator population goes up, prey population goes down.

11 Relationships in the community Types of competition Intraspecific competition- organisms of the same species compete for resources Interspecific competition- organisms of different species compete for resources

12 Relationships in the community Intraspecific competition Two Gemsbok antelope compete in a herd

13 Relationships in the community Interspecific competition African animals of different species compete for water resources Competition between lion and hyena

14 Relationships in the community Symbiosis- relationships between organisms where there is a close and permanent association among organisms Three types – Mutualism – Commensalism – Parasitism

15 Types of Symbiosis Mutualism- both organisms benefit The clown fish live in the tentacles of the sea anemone, which have poisonous stinging cells. A slime layer covering the clownfish make them immune to the stinging cells. The stinging tentacles of the sea anemone protect the clown fish from predators. The clownfish in turn protect the sea anemone from other fish that would feed on the anemone. Clownfish lay eggs within the sea anemone, which offers protection during their incubation and development.

16 Types of Symbiosis Commensalism- one organism benefits, the other is unaffected Barnacles attach to a whale’s tail. The barnacles get a home and transport, and the whale is not affected.

17 Types of Symbiosis Parasitism- one organism benefits, the other is harmed A tapeworm lives inside another animal, attaching itself to the host's gut and absorbing its host's food. The host loses nutrition, and may develop weight loss, diarrhea and vomiting. Usually parasites do not kill the host before they move on, as this would cut off their food supply.

18 Symbiotic relationships NRqEYroujqA SmL2F1t81Q&feature=fvwrel xVMeLWzB_o&feature=related

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