The Music Staff Learning the names of the lines and spaces!

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Presentation on theme: "The Music Staff Learning the names of the lines and spaces!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Music Staff Learning the names of the lines and spaces!

2 The music staff has five lines and four spaces
The music staff has five lines and four spaces. We count them from the lowest to the highest.

3 Here are the lines from 1 to 5.
4 3 2 1

4 Here are the spaces from 1 to 4.
3 2 1

5 For Treble clef, the names of the lines and spaces are E G B D and F.
Every Georgia Bulldog Does Fine!

6 For Treble clef, the names of the spaces are F A C & E.
This spells FACE!

7 For Alto clef, the names of the lines are F A C E & G.
This spells FACE G!

8 For Alto clef, the names of the spaces are G B D & F.
Georgia Bulldogs Defeat Florida!

9 For Bass clef, the names of the lines are G B D F & A
Georgia Bulldogs Do Fine Always!

10 For Bass clef, the names of the spaces are A C E & G
All Cows Eat Grass!

11 I hope that you have enjoyed learning the names of the lines and spaces of the music staff! You may review this presentation as many times as you need! Go Georgia Bulldogs!

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