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World War II AN OVERVIEW. Copy starred pages Don’t copy gold type.  Essential Question:  How did WWII change America’s status as a world power?  How.

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2 Copy starred pages Don’t copy gold type.  Essential Question:  How did WWII change America’s status as a world power?  How did the war change America?

3 Post World War I Foreign Policy  Isolationism  Nye Committee  Neutrality Acts  Rise of Totalitarianism  Appeasement

4 World War II Began:  Sept. 1, 1939:  Hitler’s Invasion of Poland  June 1940: Fall of France  Bombing of Britain  FDR’s Response:  Cash-and-Carry  Lend-Lease

5 Japanese Aggression:  Invaded:  Korea  Manchuria (China)  Southeast Asia  French Indochina  U.S. response:  Embargo on Oil & Scrap Iron

6 Pearl Harbor  Dec. 7, 1941  The Date which will live in infamy!  U. S. Losses:  2 battleships destroyed  6 “ near destruction  12 “ out of action  150 planes destroyed  2,300 killed  1,100 wounded

7 War In Europe  Turning Points:  Stalingrad  D-Day  Battle of the Bulge

8 Allied Conferences  Yalta  Potsdam

9 War in the Pacific  Turning Points  Midway  Battle of Coral Sea  Iwo Jima  8 sq. miles  6,000 killed  20,000 injured

10 Decision to Drop Atomic Bomb  Truman  FDR died April, 1945  Factors  American Casualties;  Est. 1,000,000  Japanese Fight to Death  Unconditional Surrender  Russia

11 Home Front  Rationing  Migration to West Coast—Defense Jobs  New Opportunities:  Women  African-Americans  Mexican Immigrants

12 Discrimination & Civil Rights  Racism  Japanese Internment  Segregated Blood  Military Discrimination  Tuskegee Airmen  Eleanor Roosevelt  E.O. 8802  A. Philip Randolph  Equal Pay Defense Jobs  Zoot Suit Riots

13 Post World War II America  America #1  Cold War  G.I. Bill  Civil Rights Movement  Baby Boom  Women back to Housewives

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