Preparation and Training Marty Woll N6VI. Personal preparation Self and family: Have a Disaster Plan! Where to meet, What to take Exit Drills in the Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation and Training Marty Woll N6VI. Personal preparation Self and family: Have a Disaster Plan! Where to meet, What to take Exit Drills in the Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation and Training Marty Woll N6VI

2 Personal preparation Self and family: Have a Disaster Plan! Where to meet, What to take Exit Drills in the Home Reserves of food, water & medications Kits - first aid, PPE, toiletries & clothing Files - grab ‘n go or remote back-up Contacts, especially out-of-area

3 Personal Preparation Radio equipment and power Preprogram frequencies, tones, offsets Make “cheat sheets” for key information Have back-ups for radios and power Reference material Message forms, paper & pen / pencil

4 Personal Preparation Prepare to fend for yourself! Personal protective equipment -leather gloves, sturdy shoes, hat -weather protection (rain, sun, cold, heat) -hygiene & toiletries, toilet paper, soap - sunscreen, dust mask, eye protection Basic camping / overnight gear Water & food for expected duration Basic first-aid kit and necessary medications

5 Personal Preparation Credentials May be critical to your gaining access Readily document your qualifications ARES, FCC, Agency, Course completion cert’s

6 Personal Preparation Vaccinations & general fitness Tetanus & Diphtheria Polio Pneumonia Meningitis Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B Typhoid, exotics (yellow fever, etc.) Know your medical limitations!

7 Personal Preparation Last but not least... TRAINING... federal law enforcement, as well as leading emergency managers... are quick to praise our response, and usually point out that in the first few hours/days after a major event, we are often the only show in town---but in the next breath they will all recite horror stories of poor training, lack of preparation, and unprofessional behavior. (ARRL e-letter)

8 Personal Preparation TRAINING is essential to: - knowing how to do our jobs -knowing our “customers” (served agencies) -meeting Federal mandates Untrained volunteers can hinder, not help

9 Formal Training ARRL On-Line Courses (ARRL.ORG) - EC Level I: All ARES Members - EC Level II: Team leaders, EC’s - EC Level III: DEC’s, SEC’s, Other

10 Formal Training FEMA home-study courses (TRAINING.FEMA.GOV) IS-100 Intro to Incident Command System IS-200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction IS-800 National Response Plan (NRP), An Introduction - Revised

11 Formal Training American Red Cross Introduction to Disaster Services Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) First Aid Emergency Response Shelter Operations Logistics Overview

12 Formal Training Los Angeles Fire Department CERT program teaches the basics of: -fire suppression -triage -first aid -search & rescue Advanced training is available

13 Meeting the Public “Amateur” does not mean “unprofessional” Put our best foot forward Grooming, dress, neatness, posture Inspire confidence in our services

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