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International Collaboration Working Group – September 23, 2014 Rob Dunbar, Maria Vernet, Ken Johnson, Oscar Schofield, Janet Sprintall, Magdalena Carranza,

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Presentation on theme: "International Collaboration Working Group – September 23, 2014 Rob Dunbar, Maria Vernet, Ken Johnson, Oscar Schofield, Janet Sprintall, Magdalena Carranza,"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Collaboration Working Group – September 23, 2014 Rob Dunbar, Maria Vernet, Ken Johnson, Oscar Schofield, Janet Sprintall, Magdalena Carranza, Greg Mitchell What’s going on now? SOCCOM SOOS GAW – WMO-coordinated program for atmospheric data standardization and sharing. GEOTRACES IODP/Sediment Coring – link to ICESSOC? Long-term series JUBANY – Argentina & Germany – Shetland Islands RATS (Rothera Antarctic Time Series) – British Antarctic Survey Drake Passage Time Series - NSF LTER - NSF AMLR – NOAA Ross Sea – 20-years of research

2 International Collaborations 1.KOPRI – Araon will have a Ross Sea focus in the future – linked to new Ross Sea base. Koreans are building a new Global class vessel. Amundsen Sea program underway. 2. Developing program with Sweden. Use of the Oden icebreaker. 3. Chile- has offered up ship time support for work in northern Drake Passage area. 4. France – SOCLIM – climate and biology/biogeochemistry in Indian Ocean 5. South Africa – have new vessel deploying gliders in SO, also maintains the Good Hope CLIVAR “line” 6. China (PRIC) – experiencing major expansion of Antarctic programs. New base to be built in the Ross Sea….also building several new icebreakers. Bo Sun (PRIC 2 nd in command) has explicitly asked for ideas for collaborative science. 7. United Kingdom – increasing research in region of the Falklands South Georgia and RATS 8. Germany – interested in Weddell Sea, good PO-focused float program, sea ice and Fe 9. Australia – CLIVAR lines and new biogeochemical collaboration with India 10. Brazil committed to a large SO float program

3 Action Items 1. Develop Rapid Response evaluation and funding mechanisms for use of ships of opportunity for achieving project objectives. Note: some of the current expedition-style tourism vessels are in fact Russian research vessels. Also, could we use national resupply vessels in support of project objectives? 2. Establish (through SCAR/COMNAP??) centralized information portal on research cruises by different national entities that includes extra bunk availability and/or explicit invitations for foreign science involvement 3. Utilize CLIVAR structure/programs/activities 4. Promote the declaration of an international free data sharing zone for Antarctic/Southern 5. Ocean space-based data…e.g. lower existing barriers. 6. Organize international partnerships for glider launch and retrieval (ship to station, station to station, etc.) 7. Support formation of an international “library” of sensors/technology available for use by science teams to achieve project objectives – e.g., sensor packs going on marine mammals. 8. Also coordinate volume purchase opportunities for sensors/technology. 9. Promote international standardization of sensors 10. IOOS/GOOS – Can we have an SO modelling test bed? 11. Foreign vessel access for heavy ice breaking?

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