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Evernote More than just notetaking. Objectives Evernote  Create notebooks  New note  Sharing Evernote Compatible  Penultimate 

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Presentation on theme: "Evernote More than just notetaking. Objectives Evernote  Create notebooks  New note  Sharing Evernote Compatible  Penultimate "— Presentation transcript:

1 Evernote More than just notetaking

2 Objectives Evernote  Create notebooks  New note  Sharing Evernote Compatible  Penultimate 

3 Introduction Time for downloading app for iPad and finding the website online

4 Notebooks  Create a Tech Academy notebook for session notes.

5 Sharing Ideas on a Shared Note 

6 Audio Recording  Create a new note  Locate the microphone icon to begin recording.  Record three ways you might use the audio recording feature in your current position.

7 Evernote Email Email yourself a note with ideas for ways you or students can use this feature: Identify the notebook in the subject line: @TechAcademy Include a tag: #email

8 Snapshots  Uses for organization and the classroom  Desktop versus iPad picture search (limitations)

9 Reminders  Meetings  Conferences  End of class!

10 Penultimate  Notes by hand: Welcome to PenultimateWelcome to Penultimate

11  Blogging via Evernote

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