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Economies and diseconomies of scale

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Presentation on theme: "Economies and diseconomies of scale"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economies and diseconomies of scale

2 Economies of scale Factors that cause average unit costs to fall as the scale of output increases in the long run.

3 Diseconomies of scale Factors causing average costs to rise as the scale of output increases in the long run

4 Two ways a firm can grow Internal growth External growth

5 Internal growth Firm expands own sales or output
Investment in new machinery Employ more staff

6 External growth Created by takeover and merger activity
Research shows that on average takeovers and mergers fail to improve efficiency

7 Economies of scale A pottery that could produce 100 vases at £5 each may be able to produce 1000 vases at £4.50 per unit. The total cost rises (from £500 to £4500), but the cost per unit falls. Assuming the firm sells the vases for £6 each, the profit margin rises from £1 to £1.50 per vase.

8 Bulk buying economies As a business grows it will place larger orders with its suppliers, which enables them to negotiate discounts which will reduce their costs.

9 Technical economies of scale
Using more machinery and less labour will usually generate cost savings New machinery may be less wasteful

10 Specialisation When firms grow there is greater potential for managers to specialise in a particular task

11 Financial economies of scale
Successful small firms grow into large firms Small firms are often over reliant on one product or customer

12 Marketing economies of scale
Large firms can spread the cost of a large sales force over multi million pound sales.

13 Other benefits of size Reduced risk Increased capacity utilisation

14 Diseconomies of scale Poor employee motivation Poor communication
Poor managerial coordination

15 Combining economies and diseconomies of scale
Growth creates both economies and diseconomies of scale

16 What can managers do about diseconomies of scale?
Corrective action required Poor motivation Delegate decision making power Job enrichment Split the business up into: Autonomous work groups Profit centres Poor communication Improve employee motivation as above Send managers on training courses Create new communication structures such as work councils Poor coordination Decentralise Empowerment Wider spans of control

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