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Futures I – FCS Rotation One Size Does Not Fit All!  USDA created 12 pyramids for 12 calorie levels from 1,000 to 3,200.  Calorie levels are based.

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2 Futures I – FCS Rotation

3 One Size Does Not Fit All!  USDA created 12 pyramids for 12 calorie levels from 1,000 to 3,200.  Calorie levels are based on:  Gender  Weight  Height  Age  Activity Level

4 Three Key Messages  Make smart choices within and among the food groups.  Keep a balance between food intake and physical activity.  Get the most nutrients from your calories.

5 What Does the Pyramid Teach Us?  Activity  Variety  Moderation  Proportionality  Personalization  Gradual Improvement

6 MyPyramid: Simple Steps to Healthy Living Click the link below to access MyPyramid: Simple Steps to Healthy Living Student Usercode for United Streaming is c4ef-69b6 m?guidAssetID=DD6996E3-BE63-400C-BF6A- C3DBA6F58869

7 Be Active! ACTIVITY Represented by the steps and the person climbing them.

8 Physical Activity Recommendation for Everyone!  At least 60 minutes of physical activity most (preferably all) days of the week.

9 Eat a Varied Diet!  VARIETY The six color bands represent the five food groups, plus oils. Foods from all groups are needed daily. GrainsVegetablesFruit OILSOILS Milk Meat & Beans

10 Select Foods for Best Nutrition MODERATION MODERATION Each food group narrows toward the top: Base: foods with little or no solid fats or added sugars. Top: foods with more added sugars and/or solid fats.

11 Eat Recommended Amount from Each Food Group PROPORTIONALITY The food group bands have different widths - a general guide to the proportion to eat from each group.

12 MyPyramid Plan… Check it out!  Click on the Go Now link under MyPyramid Plan   Or click the link below and get a quick analysis of how much you need to eat.  aspx aspx aspx

13 What is a serving? Again I ask…… Does a “serving” mean one size fits all?

14 What is a “serving”? Source: FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID SERVINGS “TYPICAL” AMERICAN PORTIONS ½ cup rice or pasta1 cup rice or pasta ½ bagel or ½ hamburger bun1 bagel or 1 hamburger bun 1 chicken leg and thigh¼ chicken 1 order (½ cup) French friesLarge order (3/4 to 1 cup) fries 1 order (½ cup) cooked red beansBig bowl (1 to 2 cups) chili beans 1 cup leafy greensLarge green salad (2 cups greens)


16 Make Half Your Grains Whole  Check ingredient lists on labels.  Look at dietary fiber on Nutrition Facts panel.  Make gradual changes … build up to 100% whole grain breads and cereals.  Substitute whole grains for refined in recipes (start with half).  Be adventurous and try quinoa, bulgur, and other grains.  Add whole grains to mixed dishes.


18 Vary Your Veggies Vary Your Veggies  Buy fresh veggies in season.  Use more fresh or frozen, less canned (except low sodium).  Have cut veggies available for snacks.  Have salad with dinner every night.  Add veggies to casseroles, pasta sauce, quick breads, etc.  Select fast food salad rather than fries, at least sometimes.  Choose dark salad greens over iceberg.


20 Focus on Fruits  Use fruits in salads, side dishes,main dishes, desserts, and for snacks.  Keep fresh and dried fruit handy for snacks.  Cut up fruit on cereal, pancakes, and waffles.  Include canned and frozen fruits.  Buy in season.  Be adventurous and try unusual fruits.  Choose fruit more often than juice.  Limit juice to about 6 ounces a day.


22 Get Your Calcium Rich Foods  Focus on fat-free or low-fat milk.  Drink fat-free or low-fat milk with meals and snacks.  Choose low-fat cheeses.  Use milk to make hot cereals.  Have low-fat yogurt as a snack.  Use lactose-free products if needed.  Select non-dairy high-calcium foods and beverages if desired

23 Milk: Recommended Intake  Children 2 to 8 years: 2 cups milk or equivalent  Young people 9 to 18 years: 3 cups milk or equivalent. These values are for young people at a healthy weight, who are physically active less than 30 minutes a day. See Food Intake Pattern Calorie Levels chart for more specific values.


25 Go Lean With Protein  Select leanest cuts of meat.  Trim all fat and remove skin from poultry.  Prepare with no added fat.  Choose lean luncheon meats.  Eat beans as main dishes.  Eat fatty fish in moderation.  Include nuts in snacks, salads, and main dishes.

26 Oils: Tips for Healthy Choices  Use vegetable oils and soft margarine rather than solid fats.  Substitute nuts for meat or cheese as snack or in a meal sometimes.  Use Nutrition Facts to select foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.  Select foods prepared with little or no fat.  Select lean or low-fat foods most often.

27 Make It Your Pyramid! PERSONALIZATION The person on the steps, the URL, and the slogan, stress finding the amount of foods YOU need daily.

28 Take It One Step At A Time GRADUAL IMPROVEMENT Suggested by the slogan. Take small steps each day to improve your diet and lifestyle.

29 Let’s Practice Using MyPyramid GGGGo to and print out PDF version of your MyPyramid Plan! DDDDetermine your calorie needs. RRRReview amount to eat from each food group. PPPPlan meals and snacks. Remember: IIIInclude whole grains AAAAdd fruits and veggies LLLLimit fats and sugars UUUUse healthy food preparation methods PPPPlan healthful snacks

30 Resources  – official website of the new food guidance system  - federal portal to many nutrition and health websites  - reliable nutrition resources for consumers and professionals  – University of Florida/IFAS downloadable Extension publications  How to Get Your Kid to Eat, But Not Too Much, by Ellyn Satter. Excellent resource for parents.

31 Now it is your turn…..  MyPyramid Requirements  Food Intake Inventory – Record Food Intake for Five (5) Days!  MyPyramid Plan – PDF Version  MyPyramid Quiz -Tomorrow!  Create a Nutritionally Balanced Diet – One Day

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