Fall Chinook Acclimation Project (FCAP) Overview Under ESA NMFS lists Snake River fall chinook as threatened in 1992 Co-managers agreed to release 450,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Chinook Acclimation Project (FCAP) Overview Under ESA NMFS lists Snake River fall chinook as threatened in 1992 Co-managers agreed to release 450,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Chinook Acclimation Project (FCAP) Overview Under ESA NMFS lists Snake River fall chinook as threatened in 1992 Co-managers agreed to release 450,000 yearlings above Lower Granite Dam & up to 2.4m sub-yearlings US Congress funds project for FY95 Began operations in 1996 with the release of 115,000 yearlings from Pittsburg Landing. Complete construction and begin operation of Big Canyon facility in 1997 and of Capt. John Rapids facility in 1998. Pittsburg Landing: Snake River Captain John Rapids: Snake River Big Canyon: Clearwater River

2 GOAL OF PROJECT Supplement natural production of Snake River fall chinook above Lower Granite Dam. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Provide acclimation and final rearing of Lyons Ferry yearling and sub-yearling fish through the operation of two facilities on the Snake River and one site on the Clearwater River.

3 FCAP Project: Long-term- linked to delisting - at least 8 more years Approved through U.S. v Oregon FCRPS Bi-Op: Safety-net project Key role played by Nez Perce Tribe Lyons Ferry Hatchery - Gene Bank for Snake River fall chinook


5 Captain John Rapids Facility River Mile 163, Snake River

6 Captain John Rapids Yearling Delivery

7 Pittsburg Landing Facility, Snake River, r.m. 213 (31 miles downstream of Hells Canyon Dam)

8 Pittsburg Landing Facility 16 - 20 ft diameter Aluminum Tanks,

9 Big Canyon Facility, Clearwater River, r.m. 35, near Peck, ID – 16-20ft diameter Aluminum Tanks

10 Methods: March 1 – 150,000 yearlings to each facility Reared for 6 weeks, densities held to 0.1 lbs/cu.ft./in. River water supply to prevent localized spawning Yearlings released in mid-April at about 10 fpp during rising water conditions. Up to 2.4m subyearlings at 90 fpp - divided among the facilities in early May Subyearlings released at 60 fpp about sometime in June, before river flows begin to drop Fish Culture Methods: As per Integrated Hatchery Operation Team (IHOT) guidelines Fish health procedures as per AFS Blue Book, IHOT, NPT Fish Health Protocals

11 Production Numbers

12 ANNUAL BUDGET $654,400 PRODUCTION STAFF Project Leader - Bruce McLeod Project Foreman - Mike Key (12 months) Technician I - 6 (6 months) Technician II - 4 (6 months)

13 PROGRAM CHANGES PENDING Fish Health: Co-managers will continue to monitor BKD and adjust procedures as required. Big Canyon: 1. Acquire lease from NPT to allow installation of domestic well and septic system. 2. Address equipment problems with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla. Captain John Rapids: Address equipment problems with USACOE. Pittsburg Landing: Negotiate special use permit with with U.S. Forest Service for another site to lower costs.

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