Dex: The Heart of a Hero High frequency words.

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Presentation on theme: "Dex: The Heart of a Hero High frequency words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dex: The Heart of a Hero High frequency words

2 thought

3 night

4 someone

5 more

6 stories

7 slowly

8 along

9 girl

10 new

11 grow

12 bird

13 all

14 live

15 never

16 to

17 kind

18 warm

19 two

20 party

21 book

22 after

23 first

24 hair

25 of

26 store

27 hard

28 sky

29 front

30 world

31 started

32 part

33 against

34 light

35 her

36 some

37 ever

38 food

39 care

40 over

41 heard

42 small

43 another

44 off

45 everything

46 story

47 hold

48 about

49 far

50 different

51 morning

52 also

53 fly

54 gone

55 have

56 horse

57 look

58 river

59 said

60 saw

61 something

62 any

63 blue

64 carry

65 doing

66 else

67 room

68 studied

69 sure

70 teacher

71 turned

72 always

73 anything

74 been

75 draw

76 friends

77 mother

78 soon

79 under

80 watch

81 words

82 are

83 baby

84 didn’t

85 good

86 I’ll

87 is

88 please

89 sound

90 talk

91 too

92 I’ve

93 begins

94 being

95 flower

96 ground

97 laugh

98 ready

99 stood

100 tall

101 very

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