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Impact of Images Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Images Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Images Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1

2 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Module Overview In this module, we will cover:  Images and their message  How images impact the audience

3 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Module Overview In this module, we will use a journal to:  Write reflections to questions  Sketch ideas  Share with peers  Journal: Unlined is best (sketchbook)  Name and Class Period on the front

4 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Impact of Images In this lesson, we will:  Explore the guiding questions and share our thoughts with a partner.

5 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Guiding Questions  How do images in your environment affect you?  What effect do you see imagery placing on children, peers, and adults?  Why do we use images on Web pages?  What makes a successful image?

6 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Web sites  What is an image: or  Visual Literacy:  Presenting Effective Web Graphics:

7 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Journal Entry In your journal, add an “image” section.  Find 6 images from various sources (billboards, stores, magazines, books, Web, packaging, movies, etc.).  Sketch each image.  Under each image, cite where it was found.  Under each image, describe the message and explain whether or not it is successful.

8 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Lesson Review  During this lesson we discussed imagery in our society and the importance of visual literacy.  Visual Literacy: The ability to read and create meaning from images.  Image: A two-dimensional representation of someone or something, such as a drawing or photograph. On a television commercial: This is part of an advertisement for the tourist industry of Africa. The photo is enticing, so I think this is successful.

9 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Assessment  How do images influence people?  True or False: An arrow pointing to the east in a logo could mean movement.  How are images used on the Web? Why are they so important?

10 Module 4: Working with Images LESSON 1 Assessment  Check out your environment; where do you see images?  Make a list of images and how they influence you.  What makes them successful? Text, images, color?

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