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Everybody’s Hero. By: Charlotte Kulak Focused Inquiry (TR 11AM)

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Presentation on theme: "Everybody’s Hero. By: Charlotte Kulak Focused Inquiry (TR 11AM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everybody’s Hero. By: Charlotte Kulak Focused Inquiry (TR 11AM)

2 Identify the hero.

3 Who did you pick? Batman? Great. You did it. You identified the hero of the comics. Why did you pick him? Because you KNOW he’s the hero. You know he’s the bravest and strongest and boldest. You know he protects Gotham from the villain on the right, The Joker. You know Batman risks his life, for any situation, to bring justice to the town, all for the good of the people. He is the hero of Gotham City.

4 Now WHY did you pick him? Well, yes. It has something to do with everything listed on the slide before. But why did YOU pick him? Is that what is heroic to you? Do you find strength and power admirable characteristics? He’s rich and handsome too, did I mention that? Do you find wealth a desirable thing? Do you find good looks a desirable thing? If you do, there’s a good chance you look up to Batman. There’s a good chance he may be your personal hero. Batman has many qualities a lot of people dream of. And having such characteristics make him a worthy hero.

5 What makes a hero? Well, again, like it has been stated before, heroes are typically made up of a plethora of good qualities. Real quick, though, what defines good? What does good mean? It’s objective. Different people find different things “good” and “evil”. People have different reasoning for liking certain qualities. A hero to someone is made up of a ton of characteristics that said someone admires. They show them off, they go out and perform tasks, they look and appear as a hero does.

6 What do you admire? What is something that you wish you could be? Beautiful? Confident? Do you know anyone who is that way? Think about them. Now keep thinking. Do you find yourself admiring them? Are they, perhaps, somewhat of a hero to you? Whoever appears as a “hero” to us possesses the qualities we wish we could obtain. Really, heroes vary to people, and all are made up in our mind. Our heroes reflect our beliefs, desires, and personalities.

7 Example. I’m about to go back to the first slide of this power point, but this time I want you to identify the hero in this little lady’s eyes: For those of you who don’t know, this is Harley Quinn, The Joker’s sidekick, and girlfriend (well, most of the time). Harley and Joker are partners in crime. Together, they make one devious team.

8 Identify the hero.

9 Who did you pick? Now, I hope you would’ve picked The Joker; the answer was pretty much given to you within the two previous slides. Right. Either way, it is safe to say, that to Harley Quinn, The Joker is her one and only hero. Harley is madly in love with The Joker, and rightfully so. Think about him: he is mischievous, determined, wickedly clever, and a whole lot of fun. Everything about him, Harley loves. To her, all of his characteristics are admirable. The reason Harley fawns over him so much is because what she is geared toward, and what she likes is reflected by The Joker.

10 Everybody is different. Over the course of time, we have been told what to do, and what not to do; what to like, and what not to like. Images of people have been placed in front of us, guiding our ways. “Adopt positive role models”. Find your superhero. Society has constructed one image of “good” for everybody, and everybody is expected to follow the model. Personally, I have found myself admiring things that didn’t follow the “norm”. Obviously, since I wasn’t taught that it was ok to like things everybody else didn’t like, I kept under wraps for awhile. But, eventually, I started to just accept my likes and personality, and just let myself be whatever. I realize it’s visible through my look, speech, and actions. But why is that such a taboo thing? Why is it wrong to look and be different?

11 Cont’d. The world isn’t made up of just one thing. People are not exact copies. People like different things. And “good” isn’t always “good” to everyone. And anyone can be a hero to anyone. Superheroes can be heroes. Supervillains can be heroes. Those completely in the middle (maybe, superneutrals?), can be heroes. A hero is a personal thing, because people are personal things. Maybe that’s why the comic books and TV shows are so intriguing; they don’t tell you who to like. They just give you everybody and let you root for whoever. Whether you like Batman, or The Joker, a whoever is whoever YOU want it to be.

12 That’s it.

13 Works Cited. "If You Could Add a Hero from Any Other Comic Then Marvel Who Would You Want to See Added? - Page 13." Marvel Heroes 2015. Web. 2 Sept. 2015. (im not really sure why Batman was on a Marvel website.) "Joker." DC Comics. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.. "Harley Quinn - Google Search." Harley Quinn - Google Search. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.. "12 Awesome Pow Images Batman Images." Gallerily. Web. 2 Sept. 2015. “Batman” is a trademark of DC Comics.

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