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Healthy and Unhealthy Reactions Ch 4. staring death in the face  TV & media bring us face to face with death  causes us to view real suffering as fiction.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy and Unhealthy Reactions Ch 4. staring death in the face  TV & media bring us face to face with death  causes us to view real suffering as fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy and Unhealthy Reactions Ch 4

2 staring death in the face  TV & media bring us face to face with death  causes us to view real suffering as fiction  Desire for a thrill, comes from us being desensitized  TV & media bring us face to face with death  causes us to view real suffering as fiction  Desire for a thrill, comes from us being desensitized

3 question:  What are your feelings when you hear about suffering and death on the nightly news?

4 Attitude survey Respond I agree I disagree not sure  High-risk activities make life more interesting  We can only approach death realistically if we accept that there is nothing beyond life  Sacrificing your life for an ideal is stupid  Suicide is sometimes justified  Jesus conquered death, his followers will share his victory  High-risk activities make life more interesting  We can only approach death realistically if we accept that there is nothing beyond life  Sacrificing your life for an ideal is stupid  Suicide is sometimes justified  Jesus conquered death, his followers will share his victory

5 Response one: Death is Final  There is no life after death  Some believe in God and think this others do not  There is no life after death  Some believe in God and think this others do not

6 Socrates  did not claim to know what happened after death  Believed in “Since there is God, no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death”  Administered his own death in prison rather than taking an opportunity to escape his sentence  An example of Ars Moriendi- the art of dying  did not claim to know what happened after death  Believed in “Since there is God, no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death”  Administered his own death in prison rather than taking an opportunity to escape his sentence  An example of Ars Moriendi- the art of dying

7 Martin Heidegger  German philosopher  Face death as final and take possession of it  Advance towards death taking charge of our lives and seizing each moment as an opportunity to fulfill ourselves as much a possible  We are ultimately responsible for finding meaning and purpose in our lives  German philosopher  Face death as final and take possession of it  Advance towards death taking charge of our lives and seizing each moment as an opportunity to fulfill ourselves as much a possible  We are ultimately responsible for finding meaning and purpose in our lives

8 Jean-Paul Sarte  French philosopher  Death is absurd  The soul is not immortal, after death there is only non-being  “I am free to make meaning out of my life despite my mortality”  French philosopher  Death is absurd  The soul is not immortal, after death there is only non-being  “I am free to make meaning out of my life despite my mortality”

9 Karl Jaspers  German Philosopher  Death = the fulfillment of human life  Human life belongs to larger cycle of birth, growth, decline, and death.  Part of the cosmic process.  No based on a belief in God or an afterlife but rather on an understanding of the nature of the material universe.  German Philosopher  Death = the fulfillment of human life  Human life belongs to larger cycle of birth, growth, decline, and death.  Part of the cosmic process.  No based on a belief in God or an afterlife but rather on an understanding of the nature of the material universe.

10 Response 2: Death as a way out  An end to suffering  An escape from problems  An end to suffering  An escape from problems

11 Suicide-  Some cultures, an honorable way to die  These are an exception  OT-violation of the commandment “you shall not kill”  St. Thomas Aquinas  It violates the instinct to love oneself and to preserve one’s own life  It is an offense against society sine it deprives the community of one of its rightful members and contributors  It is s crime against God, who alone has the power to give and take away life  Some cultures, an honorable way to die  These are an exception  OT-violation of the commandment “you shall not kill”  St. Thomas Aquinas  It violates the instinct to love oneself and to preserve one’s own life  It is an offense against society sine it deprives the community of one of its rightful members and contributors  It is s crime against God, who alone has the power to give and take away life

12 Suicide stereotypes: 1.Only the very rich or very poor commit suicide 2.Suicide tends to run in families 3.People who commit suicide are mentally ill 4.Most suicides occur around Christmas 5.Suicidal people want to die and there is little that can be done about it 6.People who talk about suicide will not commit it 1.Only the very rich or very poor commit suicide 2.Suicide tends to run in families 3.People who commit suicide are mentally ill 4.Most suicides occur around Christmas 5.Suicidal people want to die and there is little that can be done about it 6.People who talk about suicide will not commit it

13 facts 1.People of every economic and racial group commit suicide 2.There is no suicide gene, people who have had a family member commit suicide are more likely to commit suicide themselves (survivor’s guilt, similar chemical imbalance issues) 3.Not mental ill, but extremely unhappy due to depression or emotional upset 4.Most occur in February, correlation with b-day 5.Most who threaten suicide, are undecided about living or dying. 6.Threats should be taken seriously, majority of people who give definite warnings about killing themselves will do so 1.People of every economic and racial group commit suicide 2.There is no suicide gene, people who have had a family member commit suicide are more likely to commit suicide themselves (survivor’s guilt, similar chemical imbalance issues) 3.Not mental ill, but extremely unhappy due to depression or emotional upset 4.Most occur in February, correlation with b-day 5.Most who threaten suicide, are undecided about living or dying. 6.Threats should be taken seriously, majority of people who give definite warnings about killing themselves will do so

14 4.Most occur in February, correlation with b-days 5.Most who threaten suicide, are undecided about living or dying. 6.Threats should be taken seriously, majority of people who give definite warnings about killing themselves will do so  Ongoing depression 4.Most occur in February, correlation with b-days 5.Most who threaten suicide, are undecided about living or dying. 6.Threats should be taken seriously, majority of people who give definite warnings about killing themselves will do so  Ongoing depression

15 Response 3: death as self-sacrifice  The ultimate expression of love  A way to express belief in a noble cause or ideal  A way of sacrificing oneself for others Altruistic death- a form of self-sacrifice in which an individual gives us his of her life for a noble cause, a sense of patriotic duty or a religious ideal  The ultimate expression of love  A way to express belief in a noble cause or ideal  A way of sacrificing oneself for others Altruistic death- a form of self-sacrifice in which an individual gives us his of her life for a noble cause, a sense of patriotic duty or a religious ideal

16  Maximilian Kolbe-Page 57  Jean Donovan- page 58  Maximilian Kolbe-Page 57  Jean Donovan- page 58

17 Response 4: death as the beginning of new life  The resurrection of Jesus is the corner stone of our Catholic faith  Through baptism we enter fully into the Paschal mystery, we are baptized in the death of Jesus so we can rise with him to new life  The resurrection of Jesus is the corner stone of our Catholic faith  Through baptism we enter fully into the Paschal mystery, we are baptized in the death of Jesus so we can rise with him to new life

18 Where do you stand? Where do you stand in response to death? ~ how much do you really value life? ~ Do you unnecessarily put your life in danger? Are you are risk regarding suicide?

19 To answer those questions, reflect on the items in the “have you ever”questionnaire on page 60. Quietly think about and pray over each item. After you have finished, write a short paragraph in your notebook about your philosophy of life. Do you value life highly, or are there areas at which you may need to take a close look?

20 Tips for building a happier and more meaningful life: 1.Take charge of your own emotions 2.Commit yourself to projects that help others 3.Take initiative in developing friendships 4.Don’t count on only 1 activity or friendship 5.Learn to distinguish a bad situation from feelings of self hatred 6.Develop a friendship with yourself 7.Never be afraid to get help 1.Take charge of your own emotions 2.Commit yourself to projects that help others 3.Take initiative in developing friendships 4.Don’t count on only 1 activity or friendship 5.Learn to distinguish a bad situation from feelings of self hatred 6.Develop a friendship with yourself 7.Never be afraid to get help

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