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Endangered Indonesian Animals

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Indonesian Animals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Indonesian Animals

2 Task Make a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation on an endangered Indonesian animal. Choose from the list below, or find another animal which is not on the list.

3 Endangered animals: Orang utan Javan Rhino Sumatran Rhino Silvery Gibbon Asian Elephant Asiatic Golden Cat Clouded leopard Sumatran Tiger Mountain Anoa

4 Slide one What is the name of your animal?
What is its name in Indonesian? Include an image of your animal.

5 Slide 2 On which island(s) of Indonesia can your animal be found?
Include a map of the island(s)

6 Slide 3 Describe the natural habitat of your animal (i.e. what kind of environment does it need to live in.) Include an image of this kind of habitat.

7 Slide 4 What does your animal eat? Include images if possible

8 Slide 5 Why is your animal endangered?
Include images of things that are threatening your animal

9 Slide 6 What can be done to save your animal?
Include images of ways your animal can be saved

10 WEBSITES animal.html?gclid=COqh942JkbACFUKDpAod9xSxy A species-in-indonesia/ Websites

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